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CyberLink PowerDVD 10 choppy - Jerky Blu Ray 3d Kung Fu Panda 2
BOOSTEDI5 [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Jan 17, 2012 21:03 Messages: 9 Offline
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Hi, I purchased the Media Suite 9 Bundled Version of Cyberlink. I haven't had a chance to use much but hope to

Anyway, I'm having an issue with CyberLink PowerDVD 10 3D playback. I haven't had any choppy playback when I watch 2D Blu Rays so I think this occasional chop is only exhibited while playing 3D Blu Ray Movie(s). I just bought Kung
Fu Panda 2 and tried 3D playback. It started off great and worked fine for the first 20 minutes of the movie. I haven't tried any other 3D movies.

After 20 minutes or so I would get intermittent chops that seemed to get worse towards the middle of the Blu Ray - didn't go past that. I went and started it from the beginning to make sure it wasn't a fluke. Again, the first 20 ‌minutes play fine and then the chops start. So, I ended up finishing the movie using my Playstation 3 and didn't have any issues.
I tried rebooting my system,etc. Running all the latest audio and video drivers. I'm running a 27" ASUS 3D Monitor.

One of the question I have is when I run 3D Adviser it FAILS for Blu Ray playback for some reason it says Software Player not Found? See Picture Below. Here's the information on my system,etc.

SYSTEM: i2500K
Video Card: EVGA Nvidia GTX 570
OS: Windows 7 64 BIT.
Direct X version 11

Media Suite Build:
PowerDVD full Version: YES - BUNDLED Version 10.0.3306.54 (No Patches Available) Can only upgrade to version 11
for $40 but I don't want to have to do this.
PowerDVD SR Number : MES10112901
PowerDVD TR Number (if shown) TR110915-036
If the issue happens after patch installation - please also add the (NO Patches Applied/Found)
Full version number before patch -- No patches - Paid for full version after using Suite that came with my
Pioneer Blu Ray player.
SR-Numnber before apply patch - N/A

See Attached Dx-Diag and BD Adviser. Also, based off this thread I guess I'm not the only person having issues. Any thoughts/ideas/suggestions? Thx;jsessionid=48C679D8FE670F944054B2A0731814B7#69083
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