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Quicktime/Smartsound error
[Post New]
I am seeing the following errors in 1129b version of PD10. I have installed the latest Quicktime and updated SmartSound ( na rebuilt the smartsound database.

The errors do NOT show up every time, but do show up on a regular basis when loading a project containing SmartSound files.
38 Kbytes
417 time(s)
[Thumb - errors.jpg]
171 Kbytes
185 time(s)
37 Kbytes
346 time(s)

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at Dec 29. 2011 17:05

Dafydd B [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Aug 26, 2006 08:20 Messages: 11973 Offline
[Post New]
Hi Fred,
Throw me a bone....

What did you do?

My guess is you had the SS QuickTracks popup open and selected "Rebuild SmartSound Database".. yes?

You also updated QT.

If I press the "Rebuild SmartSound Database" will that wreck my SS also ha ha? Will installing QT latest wreck it?

OK, what happens when you reverted back with a fresh install of PD? Just trying to be a pain!

Happy New Year!

Blwyddyn Newydd Dda


This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Dec 31. 2011 13:45

[Post New]
Yes, I wonder MYSELF "What have I done?". The first new message to show up was the "you need to update Quicktime" message, so I did that. After the Quicktime and reboot, I went into SSound and got a message that new content was available, I downloaded it THEN clicked the rebuild button (because it was THERE...LOL)

1. I resist ALL rollbacks and re-installs..I upgrade..and I LIVE with it until the next release of video drivers, program, supporting program, whatever!!.

2. I saw the "won't load content" message once before in PD10 1012, but ignored it and it went away.

3. If I see the messages, the QuickTracks I specified/added to project do not load and I just close the project (saying "NO" to the saving) and re-open.
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