Results above using Mozilla Firefox. Here's what happened with Google Chrome... at least there's some consistency between browsers!
Search field: "camera"
Search all forums - 309 results
- but if "Search any term" is checked - 14122 results
Search PD10 - 13 results
- but if "Search any term" is checked - 196 results
Search PD9 - 3 results
- but if "Search any term" is checked - 63 results, mostly unrelated
Search PD8 & earlier - 1 result
- but if "Search any term" is checked - 25 results, mostly unrelated
Search field: "PiP"
Search all forums - 23 results
- but if "Search any term" is checked - 14122 results
Search PD10 - 7 results
- but if "Search any term" is checked - 196 results
Search PD9 - 0 results
- but if "Search any term" is checked - 63 results
Search PD8 & earlier - 0 results
- but if "Search any term" is checked - 25 results

Here's a funny thing. Over in the
DirectorZone forum, where the Search function hasn't functioned consistently for years, it appears to be working correctly. Both forums use the same JForum software. Trouble is, pretty soon, no one will go there to search for anything!
Search on DZ (searching all available forums): "camera" 55 pages of results, "PiP" - 80 pages of results (whatever is checked)
Cheers - Tony
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