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etr [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Dec 07, 2011 18:57 Messages: 14 Offline
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I'm relatively new to PowerDirector, so I apologize in advance for what has to be a stupid question...

After I encode my production in the "Produce" window, where does my original project go? When I go back to the "Edit" window, the only media showing is my produced video. All of my pics, videos, text edits, etc. are gone. How do I get them back?
Senior Contributor Location: N.S.W. Australia Joined: May 08, 2009 02:06 Messages: 9977 Offline
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Hi etr -

Nah! That's not right.

After you produce a video & return to the Edit module, your timeline should be just as you left it. Your Media Library should be just as you left it... except the addition of your newly produced file.

Can you describe your exact steps?

Your actual media (clips, photos etc) isn't gone. It sounds like PD is just playing up.

Cheers - Tony

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etr [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Dec 07, 2011 18:57 Messages: 14 Offline
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Thanks for the reply, ynotfish. Here are the exact steps:

(1) I'm in the Edit window, and life is good, w/ production fully intact, including all media files, effects, etc.
(2) I go to the Produce window and render the production
(3) Once the production rendering is complete, I proceed to the Create Disc window
(4) In the Content tab, I add the rendered video I just created
(5) Now when I return to the Edit window, the only thing in the media room (and on the timeline) is my rendered video. My original production is gone.

I should note that I'm using the trial version - maybe that has something to do with this behavior?
Senior Contributor Location: N.S.W. Australia Joined: May 08, 2009 02:06 Messages: 9977 Offline
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Hi again etr -

The steps you're following are fine, except that (at Step 4) you'd have 2 copies of exactly the same thing on your disc.

In the attached screen capture, showing the process...
indicates dual copies present
indicates that project files are retained in Media Library & timeline

I'm quite sure that the trial version behaves in exactly the same way.

Maybe I've missed something. I often do!

Cheers - Tony
2305 Kbytes
343 time(s)

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etr [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Dec 07, 2011 18:57 Messages: 14 Offline
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Wow, you just created that movie to illustrate the functionality. Nice! Thanks.

And it helped. I should have been clearer in step (4). Rather than adding the file a second time, I was actually deleting it and then adding the file from disk (I guess I wasn't certain this was the file I wanted, so I felt the need to add my newly encoded file explicitly). If you do this, then your project files disappear from the Edit window.

Now I know to just accept the file that is there by default!

Thanks again,
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