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Doldy Surround Sound 5.1 - Option availiable when producing mpeg2 but not mpeg 4?
Dreece47 [Avatar]
Newbie Location: Adelaide, Australia Joined: Dec 18, 2010 01:24 Messages: 19 Offline
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My video camera has 5.1 channel surround sound so I was hoping to utilise this when producing my project. When I produce the file as a mpeg 4 the dolby 5.1 surround sound is greyed out, however it is availiable as an option when I produce the file as an mpeg 2.

I was under the impression that an mpeg 4 was better and is used as a standard when movies are put onto dvds. Why won't it allow me to produce my project with surround sound as an mpeg4? Any advice or information would be greatly appreciated.

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