There's no benefit in using Ultra HD on my dual HD displays, I was simply running the test to see how much more significant the slowdown was and to try and guage the impact on system resources. The answers are "so slow it's unusable" and "somewhat lower" which seem to be at odds with each other.
optodata, maybe a misunderstanding, my thought was why does PD even display those options to users when they have their display set to something lower. Not why did you try them. PD knows your display resolution. When one has 1080p display setting with current PD session, seems like Ultra HD should be greyed out for informative end user feedback.
Ultra HD, 3840p
Full HD 1080p (optodata lag video)
HD, 720p
High, 360p (tomasc phone capture video)
Normal, 320p
Low, 180p
Would be interesting to see how tomasc WIN7 platform handles Full HD preview for fluent playback, I'd guess it would struggle too as it is a fair more complex.