Holy Mackerel! I've been using PD since version 9 and have NEVER checked that box because of the warning that comes up about not being standards-compliant (see attached png). At your suggestion, I enabled it and the SVRT produce took 60 seconds! That's more than twice as fast as the GPU can do it and almost 3.4x faster than SVRT with the box unchecked. Wow.
60 seconds is even high. That's high because the clip "9-10 bars1.MTS" used in your timeline is different from the others from a video format perspective. Depending on what profile you use in produce, either this clip or the others will be CPU encoded when SVRT is used. This will cause your 60 seconds, if clip "9-10 bars1.MTS" was of the same video properties of the others, the SVRT time would be under 30sec vs your 60sec. So I guess, Holy, Holy, Mackerel!!
The hickup in playback is a age old problem with SVRT and playback on some players. No I do not think it's directly related to the IDR setting. IDR setting required for footage of many Canon's.
I'm virtually 100% certain your 3 pics, GPU-Z - Hardware - OpenCL ON.png, GPU-Z - SVRT OpenCL OFF.png, GPU-Z - Hardware OpenCL OFF.png don't actually represent those settings. Based on the performance charts it's virtually impossible. You may want to redo for your own understanding. Since it's not PD related, I'll refrain from discussion here.
I see no difference in render speed using my HD7870 or the Intel HD4600. In fact with MP4, the HD4600 is a few seconds faster.
A little surprised on the seconds comment, I'd assume out of a 1/2hr show? Can you attach 2 pics, one of the timeline with the effect room selected and one of your "Produce" page when using the HD4600. Maybe something will register.
Earlier you mention that you take TV shows, clip here and there, and produce. If you are thinking Multi-GPGPU in PD is going to reduce produce time of such timeline, based on what I know, I think with the current implementation you maybe incorrect. I've mentioned this several times in the forums and produced a fairly lengthy pdf that I attached to one of your previous posts describing why.
I also posted both a HD4000 and a GTX580 working together here.
http://forum.cyberlink.com/forum/posts/list/15/31250.page No tricks that I know of, just basic setup, iGPU needs to be prime and timeline needs to have content that utilizes Multi-GPGPU.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Feb 20. 2014 01:52