To put it simple:
I've got 14 (fourteen) Images to Show.
I want each Image to be shown for 7 seconds (transitions included), making it a slideshow of (14*7=) 98 seconds, or 1 Minute 38 seconds.
I Highlight the 7 Images, choose the button "Slideshow" and follow the menu:
Style = "Motion".
Background Music = xyz.MP3 (total Duration 3:44)
Slideshow preferences: fit Music to photos. Sequence = Timeline order, don't detect faces. (ok).
Music preferences: Music mark out trimmed to 1:38:03 (no way to put it on 1:38:00 - no editable Digits), no fade in, yes fade out. (ok).
Next. (PD renders something). Preview: The Overall length is: 00:55:05 seconds. (which makes about 4 seconds per Foto).
Next try. (previous).
Music preferences: unchanged
Slideshow preferences: Fit Fotos to Music (!)
Next. (another Rendering) Preview: The Overall length NOW is: 1:38:03 (perfect!)
The Images are again not shown for 7 seconds, but for 4 (FOUR) seconds.
So, after 56 seconds the slideshow restarts with Foto #1, being at Foto #11, when the 1:38:03 are reached.
And that is UNUSEABLE.
That makes NO SENSE.
I want the Fotos to be shown for 7 seconds each, I've placed text items into the timeline according to their respective Position, and These are now no longer Fitting to the Fotos.
There is NO WAY to Stretch the Duration of the slideshow to the appropriate length, as it would be possible with a 'normal' Video Clip.
What a pity!
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Dec 29. 2013 02:20