Power director has stopped working. I just bought the product and even though installed latest version of quick time and increased virtual memory, the programme wouldn't open. I sent several messages to support except the first one nobody answers me! I really need to use this programme please help me. I use vindows vista home edition 32bit 4gb RAM
I seem to recall that having video card drivers that are considered "old" by Power Director could keep it from opening. So it might be worth going to the website of you video card manufacturer and trying the latest driver for you PC setup. Worth a try! PD can be a bit finicky if the drivers are beyond a certain date or even today's date. I have had to revert to a slightly older driver to get things to work properly. So at time it requires a
Bit of experimentation to get things right.
In a pinch you could always uninstall Power Director and then reinstall it. This can sometimes be the answer.
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