hi FredB
first let me say sorry for yelling at u it just gets so frustrating ,
There were MANY bugs NOTFIXEDin PD9....MANY!! infact all Cyberlink has done is improved the 3d and added a few xtras
then clalled it PD10,
as u can see from the PD10 forum it is not taken long for the bug reports to flood in
I just hate to see Cyberlink users being RIPPED OFF (sorry shouting again)
People work hard for there monies they don't want to be beta testers for Cyberlink,
PD10 has hardley been out a week to the general public and they have had to bring out a patch already that speaks
FROM WHAT I see they will need an other patch next week to repair the rest of the bugs
ANYONE thinking about moving to PD10 should download the 30 day trial they will see the bugs at first hand
also I have been doing programming for sum 20yrs and what I see is Sloppy work from programmers
anyway I have had my rant no point in going on just have to wait until PD11 comes out next year
it is a shame they are
not interested in the customers,
and Fred sorry again for shouting all the above is my opinion some may agree some may not
Thomas G
I'm a 33yr old trapped in a 69yr old body