I am working on a video and had to test motion and borders in PD.
(I am not sure I can use it.)
At the same time, I wanted to find out if render .m2ts file, the standard 1280x720
in PD (here 76Mb) - or - render the standard .wmv HD quality 1280x720
(here 16,7Mb) would make significant difference when uploaded to and viewed on YT.
From earlier versions of PD, and still in #9, the flicker in motion has been a problem
and a pain. Viewing in preview window makes one want to cry. It's not
equally awful when rendered. I wanted to test if flicker would appear less obvious
when applying a border.
I'm on build 2930. The fixes, as presented /written, for the latest version do not apply to
my system.
In the uploaded tests, I want you to pay attention to motion and the borders.
I have used gridlines 2x2, snap to. I have applied borders, 1px, grey solid. Both before and
after render, the colour of the border flickers between grey and green, at least to my
eyes. It seems to be slightly better in the .wmv render?
If motion is set to 1-1,5 sec, then the flicker is less obvious,
but slower motion is often the choice when you want to actually see what is on display.
The clip in motion is here set to 4 seconds, minus the fade-in and transition.
Also, when rendered, borders disappear on the outer sides. There is a small
"overlap" in the middle.
You can watch both these tests in 720p.
Please tell if difference in quality is noticeable.
wmv: http://www.youtube.com/user/60johnin?feature=mhee
m2ts: http://www.youtube.com/user/60johnin?feature=mhee#p/u/1/BLAqtwWPVR8
Just something.