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Playback percentage size keeps jumping to 400%
rbowser [Avatar]
Contributor Joined: Aug 08, 2011 16:48 Messages: 515 Offline
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First project with 16:9 aspect ratio. Not always, but often, when I'm playing back at Normal Preview Resolution (or any other) - when I've set the preview window to be at 100%, it jumps immediately to 400% when I push Play.

The only "solution" I have so far is to keep clicking clips over and over, starting over and over, and at some point, for no real rhyme or reason, it'll behave and stay at 100% so I can see what I'm working on.


Senior Contributor Location: Texas, USA Joined: Mar 16, 2010 20:11 Messages: 9090 Offline
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You can adjust your preview resolution in the Viewer.

See Image attached.

[Thumb - Preview resolution.jpg]
Preview resolution.jpg
How to adjust Preview resolution
43 Kbytes
104 time(s)
Carl312: Windows 10 64-bit 8 GB RAM,AMD Phenom II X4 965 3.4 GHz,ATI Radeon HD 5770 1GB,240GB SSD,two 1TB HDs.

rbowser [Avatar]
Contributor Joined: Aug 08, 2011 16:48 Messages: 515 Offline
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Quote: You can adjust your preview resolution in the Viewer.

See Image attached.

Hi, Carl - Thanks for the reply. I am saying that I have my preview resolution set to Normal in the Viewer, but that this problem happens at Any setting, from Low to Full HD.

And the problem is intermittent, unpredictable. I'll have the Viewer set to Normal, 100% so I can see everything - but when I push Play, the percentage jumps to 400%, and then of course I'm only seeing an extreme close up of part of the vid.

Sometimes things play back fine as I'm working on this project, but then other times, for no reason I can determine, this 400% thing starts happening, and I just keep trying over and over until it decides to snap back to 100%.

Maybe that's more clear. And it's very likely this is just some problem unique to my set-up--Frustrating though.

Senior Contributor Location: Charlottetown, PEI Joined: Mar 01, 2008 10:36 Messages: 719 Offline
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Set your view size to 'Fit' rather than a percentage and it should take care of the problem.

'Fit' will always show the full video size in the preview screen.

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rbowser [Avatar]
Contributor Joined: Aug 08, 2011 16:48 Messages: 515 Offline
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Quote: rbowser,

Set your view size to 'Fit' rather than a percentage and it should take care of the problem.

'Fit' will always show the full video size in the preview screen.


Ah! Well of course - Thanks, Hal. I'm so used to always using the percentage, I'd lost track of the "Fit" option at the very top of that menu. That should do the trick.

I'm using the percentages so constantly because it's the only way to enlarge an image or vid beyond the view window's boundaries - If I use crop, then the rest of the image is no longer available. I often need to zoom around to various parts of the media, and need the full image available - make sense? It's the only way I can see what I need to do - reducing the preview to 50%, for instance, so I can pull the image's boundaries way out. Then with automation, sometimes shrink the image down again, or back to the zoomed in view. I was disappointed to see that other methods of doing things like that literally crop off parts of an image.

But "Fit" will hopefully stop this annoying problem of the 100% view popping into 400% for no reason. Thanks.

rbowser [Avatar]
Contributor Joined: Aug 08, 2011 16:48 Messages: 515 Offline
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Follow up. Using "Fit" has worked for awhile, but now it isn't. I'll have it set to Fit, but when I push Play, the display jumps to 400% again.

arrgh. I just started another thread about my video driver crashing constantly today - I suspect the problems are related.

Senior Contributor Location: Norway, 50km southwest of Oslo Joined: Oct 08, 2008 04:12 Messages: 1070 Offline
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Hi rbowser,

(gosh...I just noticed your posts number...since august!)

Here is something you said that I'm not quite getting a grip on:

I'm using the percentages so constantly because it's the only way to enlarge an image or vid beyond the view window's boundaries - If I use crop, then the rest of the image is no longer available. I often need to zoom around to various parts of the media, and need the full image available - make sense? It's the only way I can see what I need to do - reducing the preview to 50%, for instance, so I can pull the image's boundaries way out. Then with automation, sometimes shrink the image down again, or back to the zoomed in view. I was disappointed to see that other methods of doing things like that literally crop off parts of an image.

To me, as I read it, it sounds like you use the preview window as some kind of photo-editor?
Do I read this right?

Just something.
rbowser [Avatar]
Contributor Joined: Aug 08, 2011 16:48 Messages: 515 Offline
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Hi, Nina - 238 posts, I hadn't noticed that tally before. hehe--Is that a lot? Maybe so - I've been a busy guy trying to get on top of using PD9, asking a lot of questions, throwing out some hopefully helpful replies to others.

What you bring up here is something I noticed you referring to on another thread - about re-sizing the image of a vid or photo in the preview window. I think you said you always rely on cropping for that, and you suspected that the quality wouldn't be as good when done in the preview window. I think I'm paraphrasing you accurately?

I wouldn't say I'm using the preview window as a photo editor - I do sometimes re-size things there when I'm using keyframes to zoom in, out, around the image, either video or still.

Let me see if I can explain this better, because as a semi-newbie, I may be doing something in a clumsier way than needs be:

--When using Zoom FX, in or out, they are not only moving in and out, they're snipping off the off-screen portion of the image. This surprised me, because of what I was used to in Brand X video software. In that program, if you zoomed, the entire image was still there and available to you - it was just off screen.

--But if I've zoomed with FX, or used the cropping tool - I've just limited how much of the image I can work with in the PIP editor. If I try to move over to an area which was in the original image, I can't go there, because it's been dispensed with.

--So when I know I'm going to want to start on a portion of an image, and then pull back, I enlarge it in the preview window. I use the percentage so I can get some blank space around the preview image - and then I can enlarge and center the image the way I need.

--Then when I go into PIP, when I want to move over to an off-screen portion of the image, it's still there. I can custom automate zooms in, out, and around, using the entire original image.

I don't know how else to do it in PD9.

More clear I hope?


Quote: Hi rbowser,

(gosh...I just noticed your posts number...since august!)

Here is something you said that I'm not quite getting a grip on:

I'm using the percentages so constantly because it's the only way to enlarge an image or vid beyond the view window's boundaries - If I use crop, then the rest of the image is no longer available. I often need to zoom around to various parts of the media, and need the full image available - make sense? It's the only way I can see what I need to do - reducing the preview to 50%, for instance, so I can pull the image's boundaries way out. Then with automation, sometimes shrink the image down again, or back to the zoomed in view. I was disappointed to see that other methods of doing things like that literally crop off parts of an image.

To me, as I read it, it sounds like you use the preview window as some kind of photo-editor?
Do I read this right?
rbowser [Avatar]
Contributor Joined: Aug 08, 2011 16:48 Messages: 515 Offline
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Update - In this 16:9 project with a number of high rez files in it, the preview still jumps to 400% when I hit play, even when I start with "Fit."

So I'm very glad I have a second monitor. Now I constantly use the option to have the preview screen be open on that, otherwise I wouldn't be able to see what's happening with just the small preview's super zoomed in 400% view.

Sure seems like a bug to me.

Senior Contributor Location: Charlottetown, PEI Joined: Mar 01, 2008 10:36 Messages: 719 Offline
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Not a bug, it never happens on my machine. Yours is the first case I have heard of.

OS - Win11 Pro, Alienware R13, CPU - Intel Core I7-12700KF 12 CPUs), 16g DDR5 4400 RAM, Video - Geeforce RTX 3080ti 12g, PD11 & PD365
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rbowser [Avatar]
Contributor Joined: Aug 08, 2011 16:48 Messages: 515 Offline
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Quote: RB,

Not a bug, it never happens on my machine. Yours is the first case I have heard of.


Thanks for that report, Hal. It's mysterious the way odd glitches show up on one perfectly able machine, and not another. That's the way it is with all software. Well, since I now use my 2nd monitor all the time for previewing, things work well enough for me. I would pity someone with just one monitor who has this problem - Hopefully nobody else gets this same glitch.

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