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Rendering a clip - an accurate playback of finished DVD?
rbowser [Avatar]
Contributor Joined: Aug 08, 2011 16:48 Messages: 515 Offline
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I'm starting to see about replacing 50 flickering photos in my 1 1/2 hour vacation video, since those flickering pictures really ruin the finished DVD.

I was innocently using Magic Motion on a lot of photos in the video, since that's the feature in PD9 for adding movement to photos. But after asking about these flickering results on the forum, I was told to not use Magic Motion very much because of the poor results. OK--

My plan, as per advice on the forum, is to individually Produce the 50 flickering photos, so I can add motion and FX to mpegs instead of still pictures. An hour later, I have my first photo theoretically finished.

For the first time, I tried Rendering the portion of the project with that one 5 second photo/video. Over 10 minutes later, I have a rendered section.

BUT I need to know if that rendered preview is giving me an accurate picture of what it will really look like when I've burned the project to folder again. - If so, I don't think I need to pre-render all these fixed photos --right?--I was just doing that hoping to get an idea whether or not I've really fixed the previous problem.

I tried to Produce just this segment, but don't see a way of producing just the selected work area - I thought I was told on a thread that we Can Produce just segments of a project, but I'm not making that work.

So - my main questions here are if the Rendered version are an accurate preview of what the DVD will play like, and if there's a way to Produce just a segment of a project.

James Dotson
Senior Contributor Location: Tennessee Joined: Aug 24, 2009 20:40 Messages: 3066 Offline
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There is no way to produce just a section of what is on the timeline. You have to remove anything you do not want. __________________________________
rbowser [Avatar]
Contributor Joined: Aug 08, 2011 16:48 Messages: 515 Offline
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Quote: There is no way to produce just a section of what is on the timeline. You have to remove anything you do not want.

Thanks, Jaime - That's what I thought.

I'm clicking "New Workspace" so I can have the work area cleared, but all the same media still there, then I'm producing the photos, then re-opening the original project to replace the photos with the vids--attempting to get the same or similar automation on them, since one apparently can't copy and paste keyframe set-ups.

---It'll be nice to be rid of the interlace flickering - but the quality of the photos is going way down once they're produced. Bummer. I have the settings as high as I can get them - This is what's bugging me about all this need to Produce things and bring them back in. How isn't the quality suffering with each step-? Sure looks like it is.

But does a Rendered file of a work area section give one an accurate idea of how the finished product will look in the DVD folder?

James Dotson
Senior Contributor Location: Tennessee Joined: Aug 24, 2009 20:40 Messages: 3066 Offline
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I have had to blend photos with video and it does seem that the original photo is higher quality, but as you have seen they do flicker when you move them. I wish I had a better answer for you. __________________________________
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