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Tricks to using MP4 as source material?
rbowser [Avatar]
Contributor Joined: Aug 08, 2011 16:48 Messages: 515 Offline
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I purchased a couple of movies from EZTakes, a DVD download service, which are in the MP4 format. Usually the EZTakes films are in regular DVD files which can then be burned directly to disc, but these were only available as MP4s.

I wanted to import them into PD9 so I could add chapters to them. My first attempt to burning to a DVD folder didn't work - There was no picture, only sound.

I used Media Espresso to convert one of the MP4s to mpeg, and started over. When I burned that result to a DVD folder, there was picture that lasted for a few minutes, then the screen froze on a frame. The sound continued as the picture remained frozen.

It was possible this was related to the new 3305 update patch - so I posted a thread about this issue. The responses weren't exactly on topic - I was wondering if there was a general problem with 3305 in rendering a usable DVD folder, but the responses were about what to do in general if a burn fails.

Now I've finished a project which used nothing but mpeg files to begin with, and the results have worked fine, in both the folder, and the hard copy disc. So it no longer appears to me like there's a problem specifically related to 3305.

My question - What is the trick to making DVDs which use MP4s as the source material? I thought maybe PD9 couldn't handle working directly with MP4s, after the first failure, and that's why I bothered to convert to mpegs - but when those failed also - I couldn't figure it out.

I guess the most basic question is if it's even possible to produce a disc from an MP4--? All through the editing process, everything was displaying perfectly fine in PD9 - it was only once the project was rendered that all these problems came up.

Info? Advice?


This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Sep 19. 2011 00:15

Senior Member Location: HUNTSVILLE, ALABAMA Joined: Apr 23, 2010 10:14 Messages: 288 Offline
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what is the copyright on those purchased video? PD9 is very fussy (even with some clip i filmed myself), SONY had no problem, but in end i re-shot the scene, some weird setting in camcorder was the cause.

MP4, which codec do you have installed?

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Sep 19. 2011 00:25

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rbowser [Avatar]
Contributor Joined: Aug 08, 2011 16:48 Messages: 515 Offline
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Quote: what is the copyright on those purchased video? PD9 is very fussy (even with some clip i filmed myself), SONY had no problem, but in end i re-shot the scene, some weird setting in camcorder was the cause.

MP4, which codec do you have installed?

Hi, Rocket-Scientist - thanks for the reply.

These are MP4s of films from around 1932. EZTakes is a company I trust, so they're either releasing public domain material, or things they've paid rights for.

Which MP4 codec do I have--I honestly have no idea. The one time I tried to "fix" my codec situation by adding some I found online, I ended up making things worse, so I've been blindly hoping that programs like PD are just getting the codecs they need.

Senior Member Location: HUNTSVILLE, ALABAMA Joined: Apr 23, 2010 10:14 Messages: 288 Offline
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given the wide variety of formats and variations on formats, none of the video editing packages include ALL the codec you might need.

Many editors here have had good luck with the latest 32 and 64 bit versions of K-Lite codec package (which covers a great deal of the requirements) Windows live also has a codec pack which covers most MS specific types and Apple has the latest Quicktime which also includes codecs.

MP4 is newest kid on the block (HD, m2ts, etc) and many of the manufacturers consider industry standards as more a suggestion than a rule (like the latest generation SONY camcorder formats).

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Sep 19. 2011 10:48

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rbowser [Avatar]
Contributor Joined: Aug 08, 2011 16:48 Messages: 515 Offline
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Quote: given the wide variety of formats and variations on formats, none of the video editing packages include ALL the codec you might need.

Many editors here have had good luck with the latest 32 and 64 bit versions of K-Lite codec package (which covers a great deal of the requirements) Windows live also has a codec pack which covers most MS specific types and Apple has the latest Quicktime which also includes codecs.

MP4 is newest kid on the block (HD, m2ts, etc) and many of the manufacturers consider industry standards as more a suggestion than a rule (like the latest generation SONY camcorder formats).

Hi, RS - Thanks for all the info.

If the right codec to play these particular MP4s isn't on my computer, they wouldn't be able to play correctly in PD would they? The story with these is that they import and behave perfectly normally in PD, but when a DVD file is burned, they stick on a frame.


This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Sep 19. 2011 10:55

Senior Member Location: HUNTSVILLE, ALABAMA Joined: Apr 23, 2010 10:14 Messages: 288 Offline
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codec come in two varieties, decode (almost always available free) and encode (many not free).

It is definitely possible to have a video "play" on the computer and not be able to edit it. RTX 2060 SUPER 8GB GDDR6
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rbowser [Avatar]
Contributor Joined: Aug 08, 2011 16:48 Messages: 515 Offline
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Quote: codec come in two varieties, decode (almost always available free) and encode (many not free).

It is definitely possible to have a video "play" on the computer and not be able to edit it.

Oh! I didn't know that - 2 kinds of codecs, decode and encode.

I'll have to look up info on what to do about getting the codecs I need. -Is it possible to have too many codecs?-like if you end up having duplicates which handle the same thing?

rbowser [Avatar]
Contributor Joined: Aug 08, 2011 16:48 Messages: 515 Offline
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---Well, I've looked around online and have no clue what to do. I have the latest versions of both QuickTime and VLC - They're supposed to include all codecs needed for MP4.

These MP4s do indeed play perfectly well in either one of those players - But like you said, RS, there encode codecs, but I have no idea where/how to get what's needed for MP4.

I take Microsoft's warning about free codec packages seriously. The one time I did that, everything was messed up on that computer and I had to un-install the codecs.

By the way - one thing was incorrect in your last post, RS. I have been able to edit these MP4s, doing picture enhancement, enhancing the sound, cutting sections out etc. All of that I can do - it's "just" that the finished DVD folder doesn't play correctly.

Senior Member Location: HUNTSVILLE, ALABAMA Joined: Apr 23, 2010 10:14 Messages: 288 Offline
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MP4 is very "compressed" format, with a scene with lots of change (sports, sweeping motions etc) they can require a lot of variable bit rate encoding, lot of data, then less data for slow changes. Most of the DVD (mpeg2) formats in PD9 are Constant Bit Rate encoding schemes (will result in jerky appearing motions in scenes with a lot of detail). Hollywood has REALLY expensive encoder equipment and pass the video thru them multiple times to fine tune the VBR versions for commercial DVD.

Your problems might be that the usual bit rate settings are not enough to get smooth motion. Some footage will require so much data that PD9 doesn't deal with it and that may be your frame freeze situation.

some HD camcorders put out a really big data rate! RTX 2060 SUPER 8GB GDDR6
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