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Scrambled menu text in 3305--SOLVED!--but still happens
rbowser [Avatar]
Contributor Joined: Aug 08, 2011 16:48 Messages: 515 Offline
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Oct 1 update - Please see last post.

-----I've hit a show stopper. I've checked this with three different video projects now. I've re-booted my computer - I've tried various templates, -but it's always the same:

--I'm not able to edit text in any DVD menu template. Not with the pre-sets, not with the free-form "create a menu."

What happens is the text comes out jumbled - Some letters won't appear, like "S." Other times the letters appear out of order, and in other cases completely wrong characters are inserted.

Please - someone test this with the new 3305 update. I'm so bummed - 3305 has me moving faster than ever in PD9, with far fewer freezes, with the preview window keeping up with me in the time-line, - but if I can't make a menu--well--obviously I'd have to go back to the previous slooooow version.

---I'm really tweaked on this problem. Hope someone can check it out soon and let me know if they're having the same problem or not.


This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at Oct 02. 2011 16:40

Senior Contributor Location: N.S.W. Australia Joined: May 08, 2009 02:06 Messages: 9977 Offline
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Hi rbowser -

Sorry - no show stoppers here with the 3305 patch installed.

Text in menus behaves as expected, evidenced in standard templates, saved (modified) templates, & those built from scratch.

All menus displayed correct text in menu designer & preview. Didn't test with burnt DVD, but expect they'd be the same.

Is your keyboard OK? Wireless? Batteries?

Cheers - Tony
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rbowser [Avatar]
Contributor Joined: Aug 08, 2011 16:48 Messages: 515 Offline
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Quote: Hi rbowser -

Sorry - no show stoppers here with the 3305 patch installed.

Text in menus behaves as expected, evidenced in standard templates, saved (modified) templates, & those built from scratch.

All menus displayed correct text in menu designer & preview. Didn't test with burnt DVD, but expect they'd be the same.

Is your keyboard OK? Wireless? Batteries?

Cheers - Tony

Hi, Tony - I appreciate you checking on that. Since the menus are working for you, I'll need to run as many tests as possible tomorrow when I'm back at it.

I do have a wireless keyboard that runs on batteries. I'm whizzing away on it right now as I type this. I've tested writing Word documents, using other programs that use text - everything is working normally. Only the text boxes in PD9's menus are displaying this problem. And it started happening immediately after running the 3305 upgrade.

So isn't that odd? My keyboard is clearly working at 100% - With the previous PD patch, menu text behaved normally - now I have this.

--Impossible to figure out until I do more tests, though I'm not quite sure what they should be - I guess I'll try new batteries, even though I can see for myself as my fingers fly on the keyboard, typing this response, that there's nothing unusual or even sluggish in the keyboard's response.

Even though you took the time to investigate this, and weren't able to confirm the problem, I still do hope other people test this soon. As with many glitches, it could be some particular combination of hardware and software on my computer.

I certainly hope to figure this out--and immediately. I can't finish any of my projects with the menus not working.---glooom. Like I said earlier, I'll re-install the previous version and put up with super sluggish time line response and freezing preview screen if I have to - I obviously have to have the menus working, so that has to take precedence over having the speedy program I thought I was buying in the first place. oh man.---what's going on?

Robert2 S
Senior Contributor Location: Australia Joined: Apr 22, 2009 05:57 Messages: 1461 Offline
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Just a comment about wireless peripherals. Last year I installed a patch just at the time my wireless mouse started acting up. I thought bugger Cyberlink has stuffed up.

I could click on anything on the screen of PD accept the time line. Certainly weird. Well after a lot of testing I realised the only thing I had changed was I had just plugged in a usb cord beside the wireless usb receiver for the mouse.

I removed the usb cord and everything returned to normal. The usb wireless receiver was just over a metre away from the mouse and maybe too far away. The only thing I can think is adding the usb cord was just enough to interfere with the wireless signal. My youtube channel====>
rbowser [Avatar]
Contributor Joined: Aug 08, 2011 16:48 Messages: 515 Offline
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I'm very happy and extremely relieved to report that this problem is over.

I can't believe it - Earlier in the day when I first discovered the issue with menu text, after trying a number of things, I re-started the computer. When the problem was still there, I re-started again.

Well, dummy me, I didn't Completely power down and re-boot. How many times do I have to make that mistake. Re-start isn't the same as a complete re-boot at all.

I have No idea why things got balled up, all I know is that after re-booting, the menu text behaves completely normally.

--So--I've edited the subject line so that people won't be misled into thinking there's something wrong with PD in this regard. My bad.

Thank you all--I'll try to be more careful in the future!

rbowser [Avatar]
Contributor Joined: Aug 08, 2011 16:48 Messages: 515 Offline
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A problem with text sometimes coming out scrambled while working on menus came up for me right after the 3305 update patch.

On this thread I discovered that the problem would go away if I completely shut the computer down and re-booted.

I'm giving this thread the light of day again because the problem still comes up. Out of the blue, suddenly I can't successfully type on my menus. Some letters will be skipped, others will show up out of order.

It's happened several times since I started this thread. I'll be re-booting after I post this, and I'm confident that will fix the problem.

But this remains an odd issue. PD9 is the Only program I have where this sometimes happens - and not before the 3305 patch.

rbowser [Avatar]
Contributor Joined: Aug 08, 2011 16:48 Messages: 515 Offline
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Follow up: Once again, shutting the computer down and re-starting solved the scrambled text problem. I seriously doubt I'm the only one who's ever had this problem. There's something wrong with the current version of PD9 in this regard, well, there are several things wrong - but this is one of them.

Senior Contributor Location: Texas, USA Joined: Mar 16, 2010 20:11 Messages: 9090 Offline
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Just for fun, change all of your keyboard and mouse batteries and update the driver, if any for your mouse and keyboard.

If you open the Device manager, you can update your keyboard and mouse drivers or at least check if any new ones are available from Microsoft.

Powerdirector puts higher demands on the whole computer that other programs do not.
Carl312: Windows 10 64-bit 8 GB RAM,AMD Phenom II X4 965 3.4 GHz,ATI Radeon HD 5770 1GB,240GB SSD,two 1TB HDs.

rbowser [Avatar]
Contributor Joined: Aug 08, 2011 16:48 Messages: 515 Offline
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Thanks for replying, Carl - You're always so willing to help, and it's appreciated.

I anticipated the idea of changing batteries, since it's what I did the last time this came up. And now I've checked on my keyboard and mouse drivers, they're up to date.

PD9 has been much better for me since the recent update. I can scrub in the time line without the program hesitating for long periods, and everything seems snappier and smoother.

It's just this odd recurring text problem that usually comes up when I start working with the menu. It's the only consistent problem I'm having.

The reason I posted this thread, and boosted it again, is in case this glitch happens for any other users also. It would indicate something worthwhile for the developers to investigate.

I use some other CPU intensive programs, composing music in Sonar, editing sound in Sound Forge, working with video in those programs also. My new computer was put together specifically to handle those intensive tasks as well as possible. --I don't think it's an accurate observation that users of PD9 are just going to have more problems than with other programs simply because it's so demanding. That can't excuse glitches/bugs that may actually be in the program.

My computer guy who built this machine, is concerned about PD9 using 100% of my CPU. He's never heard of a program that does that, and feels there could be some problematic and insufficient programming involved. He's not happy that when I burn a project, I go up to 100% on CPU usage - it's not the healthiest thing for a computer to be pushed up to that for hours at a time. I hope he's wrong about this dramatically shortening my computer's life.

So--Anyway. At least I know how to solve this occasional text problem - shut down, re-boot. I'd be curious if others ever have this come up.

Senior Contributor Location: Norway, 50km southwest of Oslo Joined: Oct 08, 2008 04:12 Messages: 1070 Offline
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My computer guy who built this machine, is concerned about PD9 using 100% of my CPU. He's never heard of a program that does that, and feels there could be some problematic and insufficient programming involved. He's not happy that when I burn a project, I go up to 100% on CPU usage - it's not the healthiest thing for a computer to be pushed up to that for hours at a time. I hope he's wrong about this dramatically shortening my computer's life.

If you search for cpu, you will find many posts regarding the use of cpu.
For the longest time, I could not render mp4's longer than 20-30 sec before warningsigns showed up.
PD was not using several cores(threads) - only 1.
Finally, on my system, build 2930 seems to have solved that.

(I think this is "off topic" now, and likely to be deleted)

Just something.
rbowser [Avatar]
Contributor Joined: Aug 08, 2011 16:48 Messages: 515 Offline
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Quote: hi.

My computer guy who built this machine, is concerned about PD9 using 100% of my CPU. He's never heard of a program that does that, and feels there could be some problematic and insufficient programming involved. He's not happy that when I burn a project, I go up to 100% on CPU usage - it's not the healthiest thing for a computer to be pushed up to that for hours at a time. I hope he's wrong about this dramatically shortening my computer's life.

If you search for cpu, you will find many posts regarding the use of cpu.
For the longest time, I could not render mp4's longer than 20-30 sec before warningsigns showed up.
PD was not using several cores(threads) - only 1.
Finally, on my system, build 2930 seems to have solved that.

(I think this is "off topic" now, and likely to be deleted)

Hi, Nina - This current build does seem much better. I've looked at my meters to make sure, and PD9 is definitely using all 6 of my cores, so that's great.

What's off topic--?-- You mean the whole thread, or your response? Seems like they're both right on, even if my occasional menu text problem is unique to me,--but I doubt if it is unique. Don't know until other people check in on it!

Senior Member Location: HUNTSVILLE, ALABAMA Joined: Apr 23, 2010 10:14 Messages: 288 Offline
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If you are using wireless mouse and keyboard and have a wireless access station too close to gether, you may be getting interference. The newer band hopping G or H band units are close in frequency to some mouse units (mine was logitech) had to switch to wired mouse and keyboard. Solved bunch of typos in word as well as several other programs.

My guess was that the mouse or keyboard had to resend the data, the harder working programs seem to get the message packets out of sequence.

just a possibility. RTX 2060 SUPER 8GB GDDR6
(2 NVME 2TB, 1 SSD 2TB, 3SATA 18TB )
RYZEN 7 3700X 8-CORE , 64 GB DDR4
ORSAIR HX1050 watts PSU
Senior Contributor Location: Texas, USA Joined: Mar 16, 2010 20:11 Messages: 9090 Offline
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I would agree with much of what Rocket-Scientist said.

I am not a fan of wireless keyboards, I prefer wired keyboards. But I do like and use wireless mouse with no problem.

The Keyboard on this computer is a USB wired Keyboard.
Carl312: Windows 10 64-bit 8 GB RAM,AMD Phenom II X4 965 3.4 GHz,ATI Radeon HD 5770 1GB,240GB SSD,two 1TB HDs.

rbowser [Avatar]
Contributor Joined: Aug 08, 2011 16:48 Messages: 515 Offline
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Thanks for good input, Carl and Rocket, appreciate it.

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