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PD preview window SMOOTH and not freezing for the first time! -well, sort of- patch 3305
rbowser [Avatar]
Contributor Joined: Aug 08, 2011 16:48 Messages: 515 Offline
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I am SO grateful to have found out tonight about the new 3305 PD update. It's not listed on the Cyberlink website, but it's available through the update button inside PD.

--I've poked around enough to be fairly sure about this - for the first time, I can place the cursor anywhere in the project and get instant playback. I can scrub the time line, and the window keeps up. No lags.

Earlier we theorized that this preview freezing/lagging problem was due to NVDIA's current driver, but now it looks like the problem, at least for some of us, was in the previous version of PD9.

I've been silently suffering with this problem of freezing and lagging, feeling like I'm here often enough with questions. But it was taking up to 8-10 seconds for the program to stop being locked up almost every time I moved through the time line with the cursor.

This is Such a relief!

And my subject line mirrors a current thread about freezing on the previous PD9 - I wanted to draw attention to the fact that a new patch is available, and at least on my system, that problem seems to be fixed!


This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Sep 17. 2011 02:25

Anonymous [Avatar]
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Same here - this patch fixed it!
Bubba in TX
Senior Contributor Location: Central Texas Joined: Dec 12, 2009 21:32 Messages: 1332 Offline
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Well it seems to be an improvement, but when you get an hour or so of project in the timeline with lots of transitions and titles..... then.... more of the same.... but still does not seem as bad... __________________________________________
Windows 8 Pro 64 bit

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rbowser [Avatar]
Contributor Joined: Aug 08, 2011 16:48 Messages: 515 Offline
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Quote: Well it seems to be an improvement, but when you get an hour or so of project in the timeline with lots of transitions and titles..... then.... more of the same.... but still does not seem as bad...

Well, yes, I will modify my initial enthusiasm. After working for awhile, the program slows down considerably. I get preview freezes again, and for the first time, the program is crashing a lot.

Still, it's an improvement - even at its slowest, it's better than what I had going before with the previous build.

It's still a disappointment that the reality of the program is nothing like the advertising hype which makes it sound like it's super sonic. I find it basically clunky and slow. I thought it would perform a lot better than this on my new machine which is as up-to-date and tricked out as I could afford.

Xerox [Avatar]
Contributor Location: California, USA Joined: Aug 09, 2009 01:36 Messages: 446 Offline
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Movies I burned to DVDs in 3305 freeze during playback. If I have five clips in a short movie, maybe two will be frozen all the way through. Either the clip plays back all the way perfectly or it is frozen for it's entire duration. Doesn't matter if there's a menu or not. It's also random. If I burn the DVD again, different clips could be frozen. No problems in any prior versions. Gateway DX4380, AMD A8-5500 Quad Core 3.2GHz with ATI Radeon HD 7560D; 16GB RAM; 1 TB SATA 7200 RPM; Windows 8 Pro 64-bit; PDR11, PDVD12.
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