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Voice-over recording room glitches
rbowser [Avatar]
Contributor Joined: Aug 08, 2011 16:48 Messages: 515 Offline
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I used the Voice-over recording room for the first time today. It's going to be OK for what I'm doing, but I experienced a number of glitches:

1--Voice tracks are mono, and naturally my microphone input was a mono signal. But PD kept treating it like a stereo signal, throwing the track completely to the left. After approximately 10 re-tries, it finally settled into putting the signal at center.

2--The level meter is of no help. It doesn't react in real time, not in sync with a signal coming in, and tends to just shoot up to red no matter what the level is. I just had to ignore it.

3--I tried the "mute all tracks while recording" selection, so I wouldn't need to keep turning down my sound interface's volume knob. That didn't work so well - It put Xs on all the audio tracks in the project, that was fine, but when I un-checked the selection, it didn't remove the check marks. I had to go through the project, un-checking each track one at a time. Not going to use "mute all" again.

4--There's quite a list of resolutions available for recording, but I can't imagine anyone wanting any but the highest available - The default setting is 8 kHz, 8 Bit, Mono--! omg--do you realize how garbled a recording with that setting would sound? So I searched for the highest setting available - and it's barely acceptable. 48 kHz, 16 Bit, Mon 93 kb. This is a 64 bit program, working only in snazzy, high-speed 64 bit computers - what's with the limitation to 16 Bit audio--?!

5--I saved this "high" setting as my Default - I need to save it, because EVERY time I went to record a new clip, things would have been re-set to the Default setting of 8 kHz, 8 Bit. Why doesn't it stay with the setting I want-?

6--If I didn't want to keep a take, CTRL+Z was easy enough to re-set things, except the recording stays in the media folder, and on the drive. I've never heard of such a thing - if I use CTRL+Z, that should step back and get of everything associated with the last action. The file should be automatically deleted. Instead, I have to wade through the media folder and hand delete all un-used audio clips one by one. Primitive.

Is any of this unusual, or am I just describing the known behavior for this iffy recording tool?

Oh--one more thing. I couldn't figure out what was going on with the fade in and fade out controls - I couldn't make them do anything.

EDIT: I forgot--One more question/comment-- I couldn't see any way to have the audio clips labeled. They're all "Capture" plus a number. No way to know what's what--. ?!

SECOND EDIT - My computer has completely changed since I first posted my DXDIAG - so I just now ran it again. PD power users here will be pleased to see that I have tons of free space on my C drive now - over 200 gigs. I think I have that thing covered now. :

44 Kbytes
258 time(s)
80 Kbytes
241 time(s)

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at Sep 15. 2011 21:03

rbowser [Avatar]
Contributor Joined: Aug 08, 2011 16:48 Messages: 515 Offline
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I think boosting one's own post isn't encouraged here - but I feel these Recording Room questions got lost.

Could someone please give some input on this? Maybe there are things I'm not doing correctly. Are any of these issues not the case on your system? Do you have work-arounds or other info?

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