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PIP Possibilities
otown [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: May 27, 2011 10:00 Messages: 43 Offline
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I recently watched the video You Again and while the movie was pretty average the credits were really cool. They consisted of windows/objects (videos and images) that came and went, zoomed in and out and moved around the screen. There was also text that did the same. It seemed like a video scrapbook without pages...just a continuous timeline.

So I was wondering if PowerDirector and PIP could do this....lets say for a 20 minute video with maybe 100 videos/images. It would be an interesting way of presenting a vacation video or a family history.

Has anyone ever seen something like this...I searched for an example but no hits. I also search for a clip of the credits from this movie but no luck either.

otown [Avatar]
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Hi otown -

Haven't seen the movie, but are the credits like the end of this trailer?

Cheers - Tony
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Senior Contributor Location: Norway, 50km southwest of Oslo Joined: Oct 08, 2008 04:12 Messages: 1070 Offline
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Hi otown,

I had to go to YT to watch the trailer.....
Yes, you can do this in PD9, if what I saw in the end of the trailer is what you meant.
If you are looking for an "automatic feature", then no.
But putting in some work, you can use the tracks (as many as you need) and then
modify each clip/image in the modify-window.
You can also place/resize clips/images directly in preview-window, but adjusting motion,
you will go to "Modify" or use the keyframe-tab.

Just something.
otown [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: May 27, 2011 10:00 Messages: 43 Offline
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Hi, thanks for the replies. Unfortunately the credits (I think they are called crazy credits) are not like whats in the trailer. As I mentioned above, the credits are more like a video version of a scrapbook only w/o pages, and the objects and text move around to make the credits really interesting to look at.

I'll look around some more to see if I can find an example...

otown [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: May 27, 2011 10:00 Messages: 43 Offline
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Okay, I found something...
113862 Kbytes
203 time(s)
Senior Contributor Location: Norway, 50km southwest of Oslo Joined: Oct 08, 2008 04:12 Messages: 1070 Offline
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This takes too loooong to download at the "speed" offered (22kb!)
You would not have a link, would you?

Just something.
Senior Contributor Location: N.S.W. Australia Joined: May 08, 2009 02:06 Messages: 9977 Offline
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Yes, Nina - the server is w a a a y too slow for 111MB downloads. The best I got out of it was about 42Kb. It took over 30 minutes! By comparison, I downloaded that trailer (28MB) in about 5 seconds.

otown - with a lot of work, you could achieve a similar kind of thing in PD. As Nina mentioned, there's no instant way of doing it.

If you take just the background (without the clips, photos, text & graphics), PD has a similar effect in the Camera View slideshow template... shifting through a larger background. There was a lengthy discussion of that here

N.B. In the You Again credits, you may have noticed that the background is not completely continuous. It tracks for a while & is then linked by transitions.

The clips & images would each need to be inserted & manipulated manually - though you could combine/mix the camera view slideshow with other "pages" containing the clips.

Any clip or image can be manipulated in PD, including its motion path. Check out this tutorial on PiP motion, made by the Prince of PiP himself...

The short answer to your question is "Yes - something like that could be done in PD". I'd suggest tackling a shorter project first (about 30 seconds), before trying to apply it to a vacation or family history project!

Cheers - Tony
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otown [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: May 27, 2011 10:00 Messages: 43 Offline
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Thanks for the reply, the links and the ideas so far. I realize that this would be a lot of work. I guess the questions are:

- does PD9 have the functions and features to do something similar thru PIP....sounds like mostly

- if I combine a lot of PIP features along with a lot of video clips and images, will PD9 blow up/crash. My computer seems similar to Nina's and PD9 has mostly been running fine for HD projects. Would this be pushing it.

-has anyone else done something like this with PD...would they like to share it

Here is a link to the credit video


James Dotson
Senior Contributor Location: Tennessee Joined: Aug 24, 2009 20:40 Messages: 3066 Offline
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Tried the first download and canceled before seeing the Vimeo video. That can be done by setting up the background and setting a motion path. Then adding the images over it in another track and setting that motion path separately.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Aug 18. 2011 16:17

James Dotson
Senior Contributor Location: Tennessee Joined: Aug 24, 2009 20:40 Messages: 3066 Offline
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You might be able to capture the handwriting using a screen capture software and saving as a video clip.

Here is one of mine. It is not like the credits, but it uses all of the same techniques except the scrolling handwriting. __________________________________
Senior Contributor Location: Norway, 50km southwest of Oslo Joined: Oct 08, 2008 04:12 Messages: 1070 Offline
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Tony said;

otown - with a lot of work, you could achieve a similar kind of thing in PD.

Yes, similar....
The one you linked to on Vimeo was very different from the trailer on YT.
I think there was 3D involved as well.
The easy float of the images/clips are not something easily achived in PD9.
In fact, I have yet to make it happen. I seem to get flickering mostly- which you can
take at look at in the attachment. (It's slowed down to half speed so to see it clearer)
However, letting the clips/images move quite fast will ease the flickering seen.
I think the built-in Camera View slideshow template is the nearest you can get the effect.
Not an easy task to create the illusion depth, distances and perspectives.

Other than that, the only one I know who could make similar things happen in PD is
exactly who Tony mentioned: the Prince of Pip's.

849 Kbytes
414 time(s)

Just something.
Senior Member Location: New York Joined: May 26, 2011 22:19 Messages: 175 Offline
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I agree with Nina and Tony, it would be a lot of work for such a long video. But i think the YA credits used a program that had 3d depth of field and an in editor camera with animated motion.
Senior Contributor Location: N.S.W. Australia Joined: May 08, 2009 02:06 Messages: 9977 Offline
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Hi otown -

Here are some examples of the sort of thing I think you're after...

Each itty bit of motion needs to be set with keyframes.

Cheers - Tony
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otown [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: May 27, 2011 10:00 Messages: 43 Offline
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Thanks ynotfish, thats definitely what I'm after. I'm in the process of putting something together....I'll post it when I'm finished.

I noticed you just posted the video....just wondering if you 'threw" that together in the last day or so? :

Senior Contributor Location: N.S.W. Australia Joined: May 08, 2009 02:06 Messages: 9977 Offline
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Yes -

I made it today... a couple of hours, I guess. I had to pre-render the background (naturally) - BTW it was a list published of soldiers missing in action at one point.

One thing that's good to know when you're working with motion paths is to save each path... then you only have to modify it, rather than rebuild from scratch.

Your idea about family history appealed to me... might even put something together for my ancestral convict family.

Anyway - like I said - start with a short project. It's easier on you AND your PC!

Cheers - Tony

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Aug 20. 2011 08:02

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otown [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: May 27, 2011 10:00 Messages: 43 Offline
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So here's what I "threw" together.
It shows the functions that are available in PD9....not the artistry of the author . It looks pretty good in HD, full screen.

I only used two features, magic motion for the background map (which ended up a little jerky during the panning) and PIP for the images and videos. And of course the text.

A question, I had to add the shadow to each PIP object manually. Is there a way to set up some kind of template so that the default for all PIP objects includes a shadow defined a certain way.


Senior Contributor Location: N.S.W. Australia Joined: May 08, 2009 02:06 Messages: 9977 Offline
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Great job CC!

You're certainly getting your head around keyframes. It's hard to believe it was only a couple of days ago when you asked the question!

You can see what Nina was referring to with PD's motion... when it's slow across the screen, it seriously gets the judders! It still has the juddery movement when it goes by quickly, but it's just too fast to see. It's not anything you're doing wrongly - that's just how PD is (for now, anyway).

The way it's often overcome is to set keyframes for a short sharp movement, followed by a period of still...

Another good thing that came along with PD9 is the ability to tweak things directly in the timeline... just by dragging the selection points (keyframes)...

I mentioned the Prince of PiP earlier. That's Cranston! He's the guy who coached me through all this stuff when we were working on a project together. I'm just passing on some of the things he taught me.

Cheers - Tony

Edit: Yes - you can apply shadows & borders to clips & images in PiP Designer... but the shadows are quite "coarse". You may prefer to continue applying them in your graphics software.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Aug 20. 2011 12:44

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otown [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: May 27, 2011 10:00 Messages: 43 Offline
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Thanks ynotfish for the kind words. I've been doing videos for years now and have recently moved to PD9 from another brand name video editing software due to HD instability problems that couldn't be fixed or gotten around. PD9 seems much more stable although I did have a few crashes on the latest project. Seems like its a good idea to push the project save button every few minutes. I've never seen PIP before.

Yes I'll have to work around the judders of the you suggested. I also like the timeline tweaks. Looks like you can tweak a PIP object in the timeline.

I did apply the shadows using PIP Designer, but I was asking if theres a way to default PIP objects to use shadows as perhaps set up in a template. Then whenever I started the PIP Designer I would automatically have shadows. Or maybe a way to call up a template after I start the PIP Designer. I tried to use the save button in PIP Designer but it saved a copy of the whole PIP object...including the that doesn't work for me.


This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Aug 20. 2011 13:07

Senior Contributor Location: N.S.W. Australia Joined: May 08, 2009 02:06 Messages: 9977 Offline
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Ah -

No - there's no way to set that as a preference. Each clip/image has to be treated separately. Sorry I misread your post.

Cheers - Tony
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