Unfortunately, I've lost/mislaid/forgotten etc etc a small mounting bolt that completes my 3D 2 camera setup so I cannot attach an image - well I could, but it would only have 1 off centre camera so it would be a bit pointless. I have used 2 sanyo HD 1010's set 67 mm apart - if you have a big head maybe you need more separation
and vice versa - and adjusted and produced the 3D in "another" software before doing the final editing in PD.
Quite good fun and pretty effective - except for an unsynchronised zoom or two which makes you go really "giddy". Both cameras do actually respond to one remote control so the unsynchronisation is due to operator error.
Since Cranston has not got any (yet) despite my urging, maybe PD10 3D will come with free glasses - rock on.
Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated. (see below)
AMD Phenom IIX6 1055T, win10, 5 internal drives, 7 usb drives, struggling power supply.