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WINDOWS VISTA: "PowerDirector has stopped working.." Please help!
koenig1010 [Avatar]
Newbie Location: Belleville, MI Joined: Jul 22, 2011 13:34 Messages: 2 Offline
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I realize many people have this problem, but I can't find an answer for Vista users.

I bought PD Ultra 64 bit yesterday. All the programs that came with it (Photo Now, Wave Editor) work, but Power Director does not. I click on it and almost immediately it gives me that error message.

Could it be because I have not downloaded the content pack yet? (By the way, what do I do with the content pack once it has downloaded?)

I will attach the event and dxdiag files.

I am using Windows Vista, 32 bit.

Please help me as I am about to lose my mind!

52 Kbytes
572 time(s)
1 Kbytes
518 time(s)
Tony Koenig
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Welcome to the PD9 Forum. Thank you for the DXDIAG.TXT file...It really helps me diagnose the issue and make suggestions.

Did you purchase Powerdirector from an authorized source? (this is important later). The purchased version (whether it is downloaded or purchased on disk) is not always the most current build. You will need to get the newest Software Update build from the "DOWNLOADS, SOFTWARE UPDATES" link above (version 2930 at the time this post was created).

Go ahead and install the Content Pack at the same time as the update....then go into PD9 and enter your registration Key (it should open now).

Immediately, update the video drivers for your card from the NVIDIA SITE. Here is the correct link for your GeForce 6150SE nForce 430 card (if that link fails, go to, click the Download Drivers link, and enter your machine information) :
NOTE: Nvidia is about to release a new driver, so go back in a week or so and update again. The new programs (like PD9) need the newest drivers and benefit from the updates.
This should get you at least RUNNING Powerdirector 9.

Now, the bad news. Your machine will struggle with PD9 for the following reasons:

You are running a limited processor, only 3GIG of memory (32 BIT limit) and a graphic chip with limited (128MEG) memory. All of these combine to make an unsupported environment for the new PD9 program.

If this is a discreet (separate from the motherboard) video card, you can purchase a new PCI Express x16 video card to replace it with one that contains a minimum of 1GIG of memory for your machine. You should also install a new power supply (your current PSU is only 300 Watts) to support the card.

Hope these tips help, but please understand that, even with the changes, this machine is underpowered for PD9.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at Jul 22. 2011 22:10

Colleen [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Jul 24, 2011 09:05 Messages: 4 Offline
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I have Windows Vista Home Edition 64 bit, every time I try to update NVidia my systems says i don't have it on my computer. PD9 was working, the download, then it wouldn't open my project, and started coming unstable at open, so I re-uploaded it with the disk I purchased, now I can't open it at all I keep getting that error PowerDirector has stopped working. I'm very frustrated.
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Click the link below and complete the instructions on PART "B", attaching a DXDIAG.TXT file for your machine, please:

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Jul 24. 2011 23:09

Colleen [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Jul 24, 2011 09:05 Messages: 4 Offline
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Thank you for the information, I will try it, but before I do I want to make sure I'm right

I have Windows Vista Home Premium (6.0, Build 6002)
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Quote: I re-uploaded it with the disk I purchased, now I can't open it at all I keep getting that error PowerDirector has stopped working. I'm very frustrated.

Quote: Thank you for the information, I will try it, but before I do I want to make sure I'm right

I am sure you are will become frustrated...if that is your question.

The solution above was not for YOUR machine..It was for koenig1010 and specific to his machine. That is why you get the Nvidia error. You probably don't HAVE an Nvidia card.

If you want help, please follow the previously linked instructions to create and attach a DXDIAG.TXT .
Without the DXDIAG.TXT file, created by you, from YOUR machine, I am blind and respectfully withdraw my offer of help. Good Luck.

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at Jul 25. 2011 10:05

Colleen [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Jul 24, 2011 09:05 Messages: 4 Offline
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I did what you advised and sent the information to Cyberlink, its now going into Wed, and they still haven't resolved my issue. I'm very frustrated I can't recreate the project I'm working on it any other of my editing programs.

They advised:

I would request you to please follow the steps given below:

1) Disable UAC

Point to Start --> Control Panel --> Administrative Tools --> System Configuration --> Tools --> Select Disable UAC --> then Click "Launch" button.

2) To avoid any compatibility issues:

1. Please close all other software and utility applications.
2. Virus scans, screen saver.
3. Instant messaging software.
4. UNINSTALL ANTI-SPYWARE installed on your system.
5. Close any popup blocker installed.

If the issue persists then we request you to please start your computer in 'Selective Startup mode'.

Follow the steps to Start Windows in Selective Startup mode.

1. Click on Start.
2. Click on Run.
3. Type msconfig and click on OK.
4. A System Configuration Utility window will come up.
5. On General tab, select Selective Startup.
6. Uncheck "Load Startup Items".
7. Click on Apply.
8. Click on OK.
9. Click on Close.
10. It will ask you to restart your computer.

It didn't work, I'm not sure why. Not sure if he got my dxdiag info I had to send that separate.

[Post New]
EDITED: Glad you found a solution..I hope this one STICKS! If you have any additional problems, please start a new thread for your issue, as this issue thread was for keonig1010's issue.

This message was edited 4 times. Last update was at Jul 26. 2011 21:13

Colleen [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Jul 24, 2011 09:05 Messages: 4 Offline
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I tried what Cyberlink advised one more time and it opened!
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