I'm getting ready to do 5 major projects using level 2930. Given the history of PD, I'm anticipating hitting roadblocks caused by bugs in the code. It would be great if I didn't have to spend a lot of time searching this forum, but could reference a list of known confirmed bugs, with maybe a way to get around it. Also would save a redundant trouble ticket being opened with support.
Having done video editing for over 5 years, using just about every video editor out there, and having used PD for over 3 years, I think I can discern a bug from a user error. Also, having been a programmer for over 25 years, supporting products from both the customer and provider side, and having lived through the horror years of PC products where the end user debugged the product for the vendor, I am familiar with the associated issues. I promise not to use a "bug list" as a hammer, but merely for reseraching usage issues (saving time and minimize reinventing the wheel).
P.S. Also, perhaps one of the senior forum person would like to post a blurb here, saying "Try it now using update 2930" or something to that affect.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Jun 24. 2011 18:03