Hi Barry,
Yeah, I noticed that too. It seems to have started with build 2702 (for me anyway).
Sometimes when going back into PIP Designer, to re-adjust (say a circle following a moving object), or modifying any kind of overlay motion with the Key Frames, it’s like the base video that one is trying to highlight or match, freezes and won’t advance or play. Yet the PIP overlay that one is attempting to apply on top of the base video, does indeed advance properly. This doesn’t happen all the time, but randomly enough to be irritating.
And as you say (or intimated), PIP motion is now basically useless, if you can’t match the PIP motion to he base video’s motion, as the base video now occasionally stays stuck on it’s first frame, even though you are advancing the scrubber manually, or with the advance buttons.
There may be a better workaround yet to be discovered. But I’ve found that simply closing and re-opening PIP designer, sometimes un-sticks the base video display in PIP Designer, but not always. Then I just re-boot my computer, and things get back to normal, and PIP Designer once again continues to work as it is supposed to, and always has. (There was a similar problem in PD7 at one time, if I recall correctly).
Perhaps it’s all somehow related to that unwanted auto disabling of tracks thing that is happening now (as has been mentioned in other threads). Where, instead of fully disabling a track, upon re-entering to modify Key Frame settings and the object’s position in PIP Designer, it somehow just freezes the base video (in lieu of fully disabling it).
Either way, it’s just another one of PD9’s new charming little quirks I guess, that hopefully will be repaired soon.
Perhaps Dafydd will give this anomaly an item number, and forward it to CL?
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