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PowerDirector has stopped working
PDuser97031 [Avatar]
Member Joined: Aug 08, 2009 23:44 Messages: 91 Offline
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Since upgrading to build 2702 I've had two "PowerDirector has stopped working" abends that did not exist on build 2504.
1. Rendering a YouTube upload (wmv).
2. Creating a DVD - authoring phase.

Both were a small video of mixed video clips and zoomed photos. See here:

Creating DVD was at 8x speed, simple default menu, HQ best quality, 556 mb output

YouTube circumvention was to render as MP4 and manually upload instead of using PD youtube procedure

No other apps open or running on the computer.

Will return to build 2504 if possible.
PDuser97031 [Avatar]
Member Joined: Aug 08, 2009 23:44 Messages: 91 Offline
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dxdiag attached...
48 Kbytes
545 time(s)
All vodi
Senior Contributor Location: Canada Joined: Aug 21, 2009 11:24 Messages: 1431 Offline
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In your Dxdiag the type of CPU is missing. However, the memory on the graphics card is low. Windows Vista is know to give problems to video editing software, and not just PD9. Win 10, i7
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Also, I suggest that you update your video drivers. You are using a BETA version that is 2 builds back. Install the latest WHQL version and see if that helps:

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Apr 27. 2011 19:10

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