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PD9 - Is License Key E-mailed as stated in the "Read Me" File?
AllenChicago [Avatar]
Senior Member Location: Chicago (USA) Joined: Jan 28, 2010 22:06 Messages: 151 Offline
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The "READ ME" file says that the License Key for activating PD9 was e-mailed to the purchaser after purchasing. I've checked through the "Welcome" and "Purchase Confirmation" e-mails that Cyberlink sent me when I upgraded from PD8 to PD9, but I don't see the license key listed anywhere therein.

I did a remove/reinstall of PD9 to revert back to the original program (due to burning issues with latest patch) and now the installation program is asking me for the license key. Is it true what the post-installation READ ME file stated about the License Key being e-mailed to us? Perhaps we get our key some other way after purchase??? I don't remember. Can anyone help my recallection here? Thanks in advance..

-Allen in Chicago

JL_JL [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Location: Arizona, USA Joined: Oct 01, 2006 20:01 Messages: 6091 Offline
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Yes, that is true, at least for me. You can also get it from the Members > Manage My Products area.

AllenChicago [Avatar]
Senior Member Location: Chicago (USA) Joined: Jan 28, 2010 22:06 Messages: 151 Offline
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Thank-you JL_JL for the reply. My license key was not mailed to me, but it was printed on the online purchase confirmation screen, which I thankfully printed out for safe keeping last fall.

It's good to know that the key is also available within the Membership area! Maybe you can have this info posted in the "TIPS" area of the general Cyberlink forum?


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