It is a sad day when things like this happen. I will just make a couple of comments.
I am an ex-Police Sergeant and I spent most of my 17 years in the job in a small country town that is not too dissimilar to this forum.
The trickiest thing to accomplish is the balance between good cop, bad cop.
If you are too easy on people they walk all over you.....If you are too hard you are the worst person in the world. It is a fine line you have to walk down to achieve balance. It is not easy and a job I would not choose to do on a forum.
Every now and then we have similar problems on one of my Hang gliding forums and I look at it this way, I am not paying for this place to hang out, in effect I am in someone's home and if the owner/moderator says black is white and white is black, then I have a couple of choices agree, move on or start my own forum.
Lastly everyone, this forum is still a great place to hang out and help people, chill out, relax and enjoy life, it is way too short to get so wound up on a forum, go outside smell the flowers, play in the snow or whatever that makes you feel better.
Robert2 S
My youtube channel====>