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Photos improperly rotated
dhdorrough [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: May 11, 2010 19:30 Messages: 10 Offline
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Photos (JPEGS) which have been rotated via other software do not display properly in either Power Director or in PhotoNow.

I have projects which were created in Power Director 8. When these projects are opened in PD9, some photos are improperly displayed (rotated 90 degrees). These photos display properly in Windows and in all standard Windows tools such as Windows Paint and Windows Photo Viewer and other tools such as ACDSEE fotoCanvas. They displayed properly in PD8. They do NOT display properly in Power Director 9.

The photos are also improperly displayed when opened in PhotoNow (the one shipped with PD9).
Senior Member Location: Australia Joined: May 29, 2010 19:33 Messages: 247 Offline
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I cannot test a PD8 project but importing jpeg files which have been rotated by other software display correctly for me in PD9.

A comment on PD8 projects being opened in PD9: there have been several small compatibility issues which result in odd behaviour once opened in PD9 (or that is my feeling reading many posts). Panasonic SD9, Panasonic TM700, Panasonic SD600, GoPro HD Hero.
dhdorrough [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: May 11, 2010 19:30 Messages: 10 Offline
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The problem occurs even if the photos are opened directly in PhotoNow (PD not involved).

Here is a photo that displays properly in Windows and other programs but does not display properly in PhotoNow or in PD9.
[Thumb - Ellery-20080424-001.JPG]
displays properly in Windows and other programs but does not display properly in PhotoNow or in PD9
2578 Kbytes
137 time(s)
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This photo also opens oriented sideways in PHOTOSHOP , ILLUSTRATOR and IrFanview (to name a few).

The issue is related to an EXIF setting on the camera that "auto-rotates" the image by setting a flag. Not all programs honor that flag. This image was probably shot with the camera sideways, and EXIF inside of Canon Camera attempts to re-orient it based on the setting.

That orientation reset is seen in the attached image (making the right side the top). Notice the actual image size the camera created. It is a "landscape" image, autorotated by EXIF.

[Thumb - EXIF_autorotate.jpg]
104 Kbytes
115 time(s)

This message was edited 5 times. Last update was at Dec 28. 2010 17:24

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