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POWERDIRECTOR Crashes on Capture tab
[Post New]
All was golden with PD9..then, I clicked on the "CAPTURE" tab, wanting to look at profiles, etc. in that area. I saw that the AVCHD Icon was "lit". I clicked on it and PD9 tried to load content from Drive F: (I believe) then CRASHED. Then any attempt at clicking on the tab, crashes PD9 (see Attached). I discovered that my DVD drive now will not eject (either manually or via Windows Explorer). I am rebooting now!

EDIT: removed the DVD from the drive during boot-up and no more problems!!
[Thumb - avchd_crash.jpg]
171 Kbytes
206 time(s)

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at Dec 14. 2010 01:53

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