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Menu wont loop
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I design a menu in PD 6 which works fine in the "preview" screen and loops until I actually press the 1st chapter button however once I burn the project to disk the menu starts OK however it plays the background music through once then it automatically starts to play the DVD.

How do I get the menu and the music which forms part of it to loop.??
I'm here for a good time, not a long time.
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This question is directed to Dafydd.

Nobody seems to want to respond to my question regarding menu looping but it appears that you are the expert so I will ask you.

As I have said the menu in PDR wont loop. Is it something that I need to do to make it loop or is it something that PDR just WONT do??

Thanks I'm here for a good time, not a long time.
Senior Member Location: N Attleboro, MA Joined: Jul 13, 2006 19:57 Messages: 295 Offline
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I also do not like the autostart, but still not sure if is by design, or a glitch.
Either way, it would be nice to be rid of it. I asked about it several weeks ago but never received a reply.
Dafydd, did you come up with anything? This is a serious gaff.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at May 28. 2007 07:55

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Enrique [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: May 26, 2007 13:34 Messages: 4 Offline
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At least I am glad to see that I am not the only one with the same problem.

I wrote Cyberlink for assistance with this issue three times but have not received any valid answer.

They instructed me to reinstall the program which I did but the problem is still there. Looks like the version 6 of the program was designed that way. I did not experience that problem with version 5. I requested Cyberlink to review this issue in the version 6. To the best of my knowledge I think that a patch will be needed.

We should keep pressing Cyberlink to look for a solution to this.

Enrique [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: May 26, 2007 13:34 Messages: 4 Offline
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I want to share with all of you that today I did receive an answer from the Cyberlink Support Team, confirming to me that the software development people is working on a patch to be released soon. I suggest to keep track of it.
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Thanks Enrique.... persistance usually pays off. I'm here for a good time, not a long time.
Dafydd B [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Aug 26, 2006 08:20 Messages: 11973 Offline
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Ummm, I see in this posting I've been asked to respond, yet I wasn't PM'd or participating in the posting!

Right, yesterday I read the contents here. I emailed CyberLink and have had a reply. I'll post here when I can inform you of what and when a solution will be available (soon).

Please be aware that I try to help as many as I can but I have to complete and follow through with that help before I look for additional postings. I do not want to be overwhelmed and chose not read every posting if I think it's been answered by a member (as it was here) or when I have a holiday! I even consider some answers just need a bit of common sense, investigation and hard "make a mistake" learning to solve the situation (some posts). This last bit might be a bit uncaring, it's not intended to be but I had to learn the hard way! I also like to see a problem laid out in a constructive manner using bullet points and referred to screen shot images.


This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at Jun 01. 2007 03:40

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The wheels turn increasingly slow

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Jun 30. 2007 04:45

I'm here for a good time, not a long time.
Dafydd B [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Aug 26, 2006 08:20 Messages: 11973 Offline
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I have recently been asked to write a DVD using build 1731b to look for the loop menu problem.

I carried out the task rather hurriedly as i don't have much spare time... and I also wanted to combine the "test" so i wouldn't have to repeat the task.

From the emails I wrote to Terry:
Right, I have...just for you.
1. Opened a project file
2. Added two change of text (didn't have time)
3. Created a disc to a directory folder (this is what I do)
4. Used Power2Go 5.5 Next Gen worth buying at the offer price (sales pitch!!) to write the DVD
5. Placed the DVD in a multifunctional player connected to a TV

Observed the following:
1. Chapters and menu displayed...and are still doing so for the last 15 to 20 minutes.
2. Chapter 1 flickered every 15 seconds.

Note: I do not have video movement in the thumbnails nore do I have any background music or video selected.

Terry followed my email up with the question as to why I used Power2Go?

The way I wrote the fully acceptable if just testing the disc and the software. It was all I had time for.

1. The directory contained all the data needed. All I did was to copy the info on to the DVD - TS VIDEO and TS AUDIO
2. P2G was only used to place the data onto the disc.

Why did i chose that method.
1. I wanted to check the would write the data correctly - without wasting (potentially) a DVD
2. I wanted to quickly produce a DVD to put it onto a it (TEST IT FOR YOU) before I had my dinner.
3. The method I chose to do is from habit* and from being aware of the additional strain placed on the computer I'm using.

*Habit..why? Computers use all the resources when IF my computer were to fall over during the additional render and write
process it would be at this juncture. So I split the process...I got the program to write to the directory and then utilised the P2G to
complete the write to disc. Not a big deal for me.

I have been using a computer for a long time...and I've had a lot of coasters in the past... ;



[Post New]
The conclusion that appears to be made is that if we use Power2GO to burn the project to DVD the menu WILL loop.

Nice ploy to generate additional income.

Enrique's comment suggested that Cyberlink were looking at the problem and would have a patch for it soon. It appears that maybe they aren't

Maybe we should reconsider PDR6 and look at alternatives

I'm here for a good time, not a long time.
Dafydd B [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Aug 26, 2006 08:20 Messages: 11973 Offline
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Brian...what the heck? Ploy!!!!!!!!! The contents of my posting were from an email I sent in response to a request for help, information on the latest build and to check a particular feature.

Build 1731b has also been used to write a DVD from the Time-line.

Contact CyberLink if you're after a patch or the latest build.


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