When does Cyberlink typically release the next version of the perpetual license (e.g. PD22)?
Past History:
PowerDirector 21 - 9/2022
PowerDirector 20 - 9/2021
PowerDirector 19 - 9/2020
PowerDirector 18 - 9/2019
PowerDirector 17 - 9/2018
PowerDirector 16 - 9/2017
PowerDirector 15 - 9/2016
PowerDirector 14 - 9/2015
PowerDirector 13 - 9/2014
PowerDirector 12 - 9/2013
PowerDirector 11 - 9/2012
PowerDirector 10 - 10/2011
PowerDirector 9 - 11/2010
PowerDirector 8 - 8/2009
PowerDirector 7 - 5/2008
PowerDirector 6 - 3/2007
PowerDirector 5 - 12/2005
PowerDirector 4 - 4/2005
And to be more specific for the recent releases, usually around the 15th (19 - 17th, 20 - 22nd, 21 - 15th). I'd wait and see what new offerings and what if any they offer for perpetual users.