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Frame Rate Conflict -- Just unforgiveably bad design
Focksbot [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Dec 30, 2018 17:32 Messages: 4 Offline
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I'll say straight away there's not much point in trying to help me -- I just give up. I've been wrestling with PowerDirector on-off for years and every time I come back to it, I can't even get started on a project because of some absurd issue.

In this case, the fact that you can set the framerate to '30', but then can't place a 30 FPS clip on the timeline because the actual framerate on the timeline is 29.97 is just unreal. (Yes, I've tried ignoring the message -- the clip is jerky or just goes green). I've looked through the explanations in past forum posts and can just about follow the twisted logic of it, but I'm sorry, it beggars belief that anyone accepts or ever accepted this as a feature of any piece of software. It should never have been released without some kind of feature that automatically smooths over minor framerate differences. Hell, no one should have to even think about framerate until they're at the stage of exporting the video project.

I give up. Trying to make videos shouldn't make you feel like someone is deliberately trying to drive you insane.
PowerDirector Moderator [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Location: New Taipei City, Taiwan Joined: Oct 18, 2016 00:25 Messages: 2104 Offline
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Quote I'll say straight away there's not much point in trying to help me -- I just give up. I've been wrestling with PowerDirector on-off for years and every time I come back to it, I can't even get started on a project because of some absurd issue.

In this case, the fact that you can set the framerate to '30', but then can't place a 30 FPS clip on the timeline because the actual framerate on the timeline is 29.97 is just unreal. (Yes, I've tried ignoring the message -- the clip is jerky or just goes green). I've looked through the explanations in past forum posts and can just about follow the twisted logic of it, but I'm sorry, it beggars belief that anyone accepts or ever accepted this as a feature of any piece of software. It should never have been released without some kind of feature that automatically smooths over minor framerate differences. Hell, no one should have to even think about framerate until they're at the stage of exporting the video project.

I give up. Trying to make videos shouldn't make you feel like someone is deliberately trying to drive you insane.


We all understand a degree of frustration when things don't go right but this is a member to member forum, so without any specific information, it will be difficult tfor members to help you.

Not knowing even which version of PDR you are having issues with does make troubleshooting and advice a bit difficult!
Please read and post the info that this guideline outlines, and maybe folk will have a better chance of helping?

You seem to have had a similar problem before in Dec 2018, is this a recurrence or something completely different?

PowerDirector Moderator

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