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Unable to tag faces
BadWolf [Avatar]
Member Joined: Sep 10, 2015 09:45 Messages: 126 Offline
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unable to use face tagging. I click "Tag Faces > Auto detect faces in
selected folder"
and it just sits at " new module is available. downloading..."
but nothing downloads. If I click the X to cancel I get "PhotoDirector could no download the necessary module"
[Thumb - tag face 2.jpg]
tag face 2.jpg
8 Kbytes
8 time(s)
[Thumb - face tag.jpg]
face tag.jpg
7 Kbytes
7 time(s)
Senior Contributor Location: California, USA Joined: Sep 16, 2011 16:04 Messages: 8630 Offline
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Everything downloaded and started fine on my end, but the Analyzing screen got to 99% and stayed there for over a minute before I hit the Stop button. After that I got the endlessly spinning blue circle cursor and then had to close the app because it wasn't responding.

Just to clarify, I was in the Library (in the Organize & Adjust module) and I don't see any option to auto detect in a selected folder. These are the options I see:

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Aug 31. 2023 14:44

Forum Moderator [Avatar]
Contributor Joined: Feb 27, 2018 01:01 Messages: 578 Offline
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Quote unable to use face tagging. I click "Tag Faces > Auto detect faces in
selected folder"
and it just sits at " new module is available. downloading..."
but nothing downloads. If I click the X to cancel I get "PhotoDirector could no download the necessary module"


I got word from CyberLink that the module download issue for some users should now be fixed. Can you try again?

Not sure if it is related to the download problem you are experiencing with the Photo Generator, but maybe try that too. CL is still looking into that.

PhotoDirector Moderator Please direct any sales or technical issues to CyberLink's customer support team:

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BadWolf [Avatar]
Member Joined: Sep 10, 2015 09:45 Messages: 126 Offline
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Looks like it is working again now!
Thanks cool
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