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Basic AI Enhancement of old photos?
Harmony98230 [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Jul 25, 2023 01:24 Messages: 1 Offline
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I am using PhotoDirector 365 v14.7. I just recently got this.

I primarily got Cyberlink PhotoDirector 365 to enhance and restore old photos as part of my genealogy efforts. I was under the impression that there was general auto-restoration available through AI. Clearly, I am not up to speed on this. In looking for tutorials, etc. I basically just see tutorials for various effects, and not really enhancement and color correction of old photos (sans modern effects).

By "enhancement" I am referrring to sharpening, shadow/lighting and color correction of old photos, and in some cases, colorizing black and white photos. In the few tutorial videos I have watched, their UI doesn't even look like mine, making it even more frustrating. I am pretty computer literate, but not experienced with photo enhancement beyond manually adjusting lighting and contrast, saturation, temperature. I am COLOR BLIND, so I do not mess with tint, etc. This is why I would like to find a way to do "auto enhancing" with this program, and then (if needed) adjust saturation and brightness, etc. myself. Of course, some photos will require "repair" from discoloration, scratches and cracks.

If someone can point me to what I have described, whether in text or applicable tutorial video, I would be grateful. Please be gentle! I'm a disabled veteran and old fart.

Thank you.

PS: The attached photos are a general example of what I am trying to accomplish with PhotoDirector. The hazy b/w version is the original I had to work with. I think the enhanced version was run through an online AI photo enhancement program that was limited in how many times you could use it without paying a fee. This is why I bought PhotoDirector v14.
[Thumb - Nettie Frances Garnier - EDIT COLOR16953.jpg]
Nettie Frances Garnier - EDIT COLOR16953.jpg
Enhanced with an AI program online
985 Kbytes
15 time(s)
[Thumb - Nettie Frances [GARNIER] LEWIS - c1904.jpg]
Nettie Frances [GARNIER] LEWIS - c1904.jpg
Original b/w
31 Kbytes
12 time(s)

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Aug 15. 2023 19:48

Shanny [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Mar 22, 2023 11:25 Messages: 2 Offline
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I'm using PhotoDirector 365 v 14.8.2030.0 (64-bit) and can confirm this functionailty exists, and works pretty well!

From the Guided view, look in the left-side navigation bar. Under the AI Improvements drop down menu, select the Image Enhancer option. Then on the next window, click on Apply.

From the Expert view, click on the Guided Tools button, the under the AI Improvements drop down menu, select the Image Enhancer option. Then on the next window, click on Apply.

Easy-peasy and the results are a lot better than I would have expected for such a new tool.
[Thumb - AI_Tools.jpg]
AI Tools
74 Kbytes
25 time(s)
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