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Powerdvd 23 Ultra Inquiry.
Faiq [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Nov 17, 2014 10:47 Messages: 2 Offline
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I hope you're doing well. I've noticed that for the past few years, Cyberlink has consistently released a new version of their PowerDVD Media Player by mid-April. However, this year, we still haven't seen the launch of PowerDVD 23, even after a few months have passed.

Do you happen to have any information on what's happening and what could be causing the delay for the new version? I'm really looking forward to the update, and any information you could share would be appreciated.
Forum Moderator [Avatar]
Contributor Joined: Feb 27, 2018 01:01 Messages: 578 Offline
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You'll need to inquire directly with CyberLink about this. You can contact them here:

PowerDVD Moderator Please direct any sales or technical issues to CyberLink's customer support team:

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