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Invalid format
boongsong [Avatar]
Contributor Location: Arvin, CA Joined: May 18, 2010 14:48 Messages: 482 Offline
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Well, after a long absence, I'm back in the forums. However, this time it's for P2G.
I have several music videos in MP4 that I want to burn to DVD. However, when I import them, I get the message "invalid format" - see atch 1.
Atch 2 shows the properties of the videos.
What am I not understanding about making a DVD using MP4 videos?
Thanks for straightening me out.
[Thumb - Capture2.JPG]
32 Kbytes
4 time(s)
[Thumb - Capture.JPG]
Invalid file
19 Kbytes
2 time(s)
PD 14.0.2302.0 HP h8-1280t, Intel Core i7-3820, CPU 3.60Hzm 64-bit, 10GB mem, 1 TB hard drive
Mr HC [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Feb 02, 2021 17:05 Messages: 6 Offline
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Not sure if this is your problem or not but if your using P2G on a windows 11 computer, it is not compatible. I cannot burn any disc from the dvd creator on my windows 11 laptop. P2G 13 Platinum specs are not supported in win 11. Now they have recently put out a patch that might work now and I'm reinstalling the program to see if it works! Cyberlink is not a good company to deal with because i bought the product twice for different computers & it didn't work on win 11 but they say i had it too long to get a refund.
Be careful buying from them!
boongsong [Avatar]
Contributor Location: Arvin, CA Joined: May 18, 2010 14:48 Messages: 482 Offline
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Quote Not sure if this is your problem or not but if your using P2G on a windows 11 computer, it is not compatible. I cannot burn any disc from the dvd creator on my windows 11 laptop. P2G 13 Platinum specs are not supported in win 11. Now they have recently put out a patch that might work now and I'm reinstalling the program to see if it works! Cyberlink is not a good company to deal with because i bought the product twice for different computers & it didn't work on win 11 but they say i had it too long to get a refund.
Be careful buying from them!

No, I'm still using Win 10. Don't know of any other software that I can burn CD/DVDs. Jack
PD 14.0.2302.0 HP h8-1280t, Intel Core i7-3820, CPU 3.60Hzm 64-bit, 10GB mem, 1 TB hard drive
tomasc [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Aug 25, 2011 12:33 Messages: 6464 Offline
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P2Go11 works properly in creating a DVD folder on my windows 11 pc.

More than likely the particular video file is in a format not accepted by P2Go. Use this online link: . Drag n drop that file and Download the Mediainfo report. Attach that text report on your next reply.
JL_JL [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Location: Arizona, USA Joined: Oct 01, 2006 20:01 Messages: 6091 Offline
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Quote No, I'm still using Win 10. Don't know of any other software that I can burn CD/DVDs.

Since you are familiar with PowerDirector, drag your mp4 to the timeline and create a video DVD with no menu.

boongsong [Avatar]
Contributor Location: Arvin, CA Joined: May 18, 2010 14:48 Messages: 482 Offline
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Quote P2Go11 works properly in creating a DVD folder on my windows 11 pc.

More than likely the particular video file is in a format not accepted by P2Go. Use this online link: . Drag n drop that file and Download the Mediainfo report. Attach that text report on your next reply.

Thanks Tomasc. Glad to see you are still around.
Here's the Mediainfo report.
1. Better to see the face than to see the number singer Sri Phair Sarywong.mp4_MediaInfo.txt
2 Kbytes
237 time(s)
PD 14.0.2302.0 HP h8-1280t, Intel Core i7-3820, CPU 3.60Hzm 64-bit, 10GB mem, 1 TB hard drive
tomasc [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Aug 25, 2011 12:33 Messages: 6464 Offline
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Thanks for the attachment. The above mediainfo report indicates that the video format is vp09 whereas the 4K videodownloader downloads are in the VP9 format from YouTube. The two codecs are not the same. Use any video converters or even HandBrake to convert it to an avc mp4 format It will then be compatible to use with P2Go.

That particular video file might be compatible with your version of PowerDirector as indicated by Jeff. That would be the easiest fix. You may want to use chapters and menus too.
boongsong [Avatar]
Contributor Location: Arvin, CA Joined: May 18, 2010 14:48 Messages: 482 Offline
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Quote Thanks for the attachment. The above mediainfo report indicates that the video format is vp09 whereas the 4K videodownloader downloads are in the VP9 format from YouTube. The two codecs are not the same. Use any video converters or even HandBrake to convert it to an avc mp4 format It will then be compatible to use with P2Go.

That particular video file might be compatible with your version of PowerDirector as indicated by Jeff. That would be the easiest fix. You may want to use chapters and menus too.

Thanks again for getting me on the right track. As always, I can always count on you.
Happy and safe 4th. Jack
PD 14.0.2302.0 HP h8-1280t, Intel Core i7-3820, CPU 3.60Hzm 64-bit, 10GB mem, 1 TB hard drive
Mr HC [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Feb 02, 2021 17:05 Messages: 6 Offline
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No, I'm still using Win 10. Don't know of any other software that I can burn CD/DVDs.

I'd try two things before another burn! First download & install the latest cyberlink patch for P2G. Restart the computer & get a converter for your dvd. It may need to be converted to the .Mp4 format again due to corruption or something else. 4K video should do fine.
JL_JL [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Location: Arizona, USA Joined: Oct 01, 2006 20:01 Messages: 6091 Offline
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Quote Thanks Tomasc. Glad to see you are still around.
Here's the Mediainfo report.

Thanks for the video details, VP9 in MP4 is typically not supported in PD, only VP9 in webm extension container. As tomasc said, it's worth a try, but my guess unsupported. You can simply convert to acceptable format with HandBrake or similar conversion tool so PD and/or P2G can import the video file so you can burn to video DVD.

boongsong [Avatar]
Contributor Location: Arvin, CA Joined: May 18, 2010 14:48 Messages: 482 Offline
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Thanks for the video details, VP9 in MP4 is typically not supported in PD, only VP9 in webm extension container. As tomasc said, it's worth a try, but my guess unsupported. You can simply convert to acceptable format with HandBrake or similar conversion tool so PD and/or P2G can import the video file so you can burn to video DVD.


In the process of converting to WMV. Will update when done. Jack
PD 14.0.2302.0 HP h8-1280t, Intel Core i7-3820, CPU 3.60Hzm 64-bit, 10GB mem, 1 TB hard drive
boongsong [Avatar]
Contributor Location: Arvin, CA Joined: May 18, 2010 14:48 Messages: 482 Offline
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Can close this out. All videos converted to WMV and no problem burning to DVD.
Appreciate all the suggestions.
Have a Happpy and Safe 4th of July everyone. Jack
PD 14.0.2302.0 HP h8-1280t, Intel Core i7-3820, CPU 3.60Hzm 64-bit, 10GB mem, 1 TB hard drive
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