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PD21 Crashing with Patch Notification but Patch Stalls at 99% download.
rkruz3 [Avatar]
Member Joined: Sep 19, 2020 10:21 Messages: 112 Offline
[Post New]
Suddenly today, PD21 crashes when I play a GoPro Video and presents an "Ooops" window instructing to download a patch.
When I download the patch,, it stopped at 99% complete, and eventually askes to check the internet connection and just closing.
I have tried it 8 times to download the path all with the same result.

My PD21 has not become unusable and I cannot even play a video without it crashing with the Oops message.

Whats going on?
[Thumb - pd stopps.jpg]
pd stopps.jpg
40 Kbytes
4 time(s)
[Thumb - pd patch stall.jpg]
pd patch stall.jpg
75 Kbytes
3 time(s)
[Thumb - pd patch fail.jpg]
pd patch fail.jpg
199 Kbytes
3 time(s)

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Jun 01. 2023 19:09

rkruz3 [Avatar]
Member Joined: Sep 19, 2020 10:21 Messages: 112 Offline
[Post New]
AFter a dozen tries the 2902 patch dowloaded and crashes now even worse.
Within a few seconds of starting, PD21 will crash and provide an Oops message as in the attached.
I rebooted PC and the crash still happens.

I then uninstalled PD21 and installed PD20.......and PD20 crashes now!

What is going on!. After years of solid performance, now I cannot even start the program.
There were no changes done to this PC.

Please help!
[Thumb - OOPS t 2023-06-01 164728.jpg]
OOPS t 2023-06-01 164728.jpg
69 Kbytes
1 time(s)
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