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Project Headers Not Being Read
Todd6307 [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Dec 29, 2016 16:32 Messages: 3 Offline
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Greetings to All,

I have used PD12-15 for a several years now, but have recently encountered something I've not experienced before.

After having worked on a .pds for many months-- when I was making updates, the application crashed and the .pds would not open again. Fortunately, I was familar with the AUTOSAVE folder and was able to open the most recent file.

I saved the 'autosave' file with a completely filename and continued to work on my project -- saving periodically and seeing new 'autosave' file get added to the folder -- but the 'main' project date-time never seems to update.

The next day, the same thing happened -- the 'new' project file would not open up and neither would the 'autosave' files. (28 of them)

When I click the .pds file -- the PD splash page appears -- then the main PD editor window appears -- and the Project pop-up window with progress bar -- but nothing happens. (( Normally, I see a Reading Project Headers -- then importing media ))
After about 1 min, the Project window disappear and I'm left with just blank PD editor screen.

Has anyone else experienced this issue and/or found a fix/work around?
Is there a PD15 log that might display why the header is not being read?

Any assistance would be most appreciated.


UPDATE: In the Editor window, if I click the 'Insert Project' and select either the 'main' pds or an Autosave -- I eventually get an error message that says 'File Broken' -- yet this is the file that is saved via Autosave / 'Save' from the program.
[Thumb - PD15_Project.JPG]
13 Kbytes
8 time(s)

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at May 21. 2023 20:39

JL_JL [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Location: Arizona, USA Joined: Oct 01, 2006 20:01 Messages: 6091 Offline
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Are you by chance using shadow files? If so, I'd remove the ShadowEditFiles folder and I'd also clean up manually all proxy files in PD pref with no project loaded and then try and read your pds again.

In the future, I'd probably try the opposite, turn autosave off and learn to manually save often and periodically save with a project ID number tacked on the end of the project name so you have your own recovery history. These pds files are very small so no worry about storage space being used. When done editing and your project is complete, delete your pds history files that have been created along the way. I've seen too many cases prior that autosave causes issues in large projects with complicated timelines and have not used it in years. In my view, it's better being in control vs poor programmed automation.

Todd6307 [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Dec 29, 2016 16:32 Messages: 3 Offline
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Quote Are you by chance using shadow files? If so, I'd remove the ShadowEditFiles folder and I'd also clean up manually all proxy files in PD pref with no project loaded and then try and read your pds again.

In the future, I'd probably try the opposite, turn autosave off and learn to manually save often and periodically save with a project ID number tacked on the end of the project name so you have your own recovery history. These pds files are very small so no worry about storage space being used. When done editing and your project is complete, delete your pds history files that have been created along the way. I've seen too many cases prior that autosave causes issues in large projects with complicated timelines and have not used it in years. In my view, it's better being in control vs poor programmed automation.


I am not using ShadowFiles -- that is unchecked in preferences -- and I manually removed all the temp files in removed all the temp files. Project window/progress bar still is not reading the header.

Any other thoughts?

Anyone heard/have a utility to 'repair' a pds?
Todd6307 [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Dec 29, 2016 16:32 Messages: 3 Offline
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To All -- I was able to troubleshoot and fix this issue I was having.

Turns out that one of the mp4 files that I was adding to the file was not 'liked' by PD15 -- even though it would allow the file to be added to the library and the timeline, as well as, edits to project -- I wouldn't save the project properly.

Once I left the file out, I could make edits, save it -- and re-open the file and those edits remained.

I was able to complete my project and complete my daughter's Graduation video.

Thanks to all those who responded and to Cyberlink Tech Support.
[Thumb - CS002662999 -- BAD file..JPG]
CS002662999 -- BAD file..JPG
VLC CODEC info for bad file.
96 Kbytes
8 time(s)
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