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エース520 [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: May 12, 2023 08:36 Messages: 1 Offline
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「エフェクトルーム」 ⇒ 「スタイル エフェクト」 ⇒ 「ビジュアル」内に表示されておらず、そのほかの場所にも表示されておりません。

Warry [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Location: The Netherlands Joined: Oct 13, 2014 11:42 Messages: 853 Offline
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Indeed a number of (style) Effects have been removed by CL from the latest version(s) of PD. Somewhere in their licence agreements there will no doubt be something about CL having the right to add and remove parts of their software without any warning, but I think it would behove Cyberlink to improve on their customers support and relation management by improving their communications in general and about changes to (part of) their software in particular.
Even if there is a good reason for removing features of effects etc. then it would be good to warn their users in advance so that they can take action, including saving, not upgrading and looking for alternatives. I bet that a large number of users have wasted their time looking for stuff that was there somewhere last week and not anymore today. That is not how one should behave towards ones customer.
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