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Batch export settings are still awful
Warry [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Location: The Netherlands Joined: Oct 13, 2014 11:42 Messages: 853 Offline
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I wonder whether there are many amongst you who (still) use the Batch Production or Batch Export how it is called now in PD (365)?
I do, when I have a batch of projects that need to be produced in a specific format. Rather than producing each project when it is done, waiting for the production to finish, I start working on a new project, until they are all done. Then I use Batch Export and drink a coffee.
A while ago I have asked CL (and reported in this forum) to please have PD remember previous settings like NTSC and PAL (I know they are less used but still valid on disk for specific features and disk devices), but also the format and profile. To get this right for the first project is a fairly cumbersome exercise:
- add a project (only one see later)
- edit the export parameters (changing to PAL in my case, and set the quality of the output); custom profiles are not recognised at this stage…
- change the output folder if necessary
- save the settings
- go back into editing of the parameters, because now PD understands that there may be custom profiles that can be used, select the profile and save
- NOW you can add other projects to the batch, which automatically get the export settings of the first project. That works fine, but changing all profiles for the complete batch in one go, would be more user friendly.

I wonder what I am missing, and whether you have similar problems or… don’t use the very usefull batch export function at all…..
(I have filed a suggestion).
curtain [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Oct 04, 2019 21:07 Messages: 30 Offline
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I used to use Premiere and Resolve and I much liked the render queue feature they both had. I still usually export at least two copies of all videos I make and I'd love if Cyberlink added such a feature. Like you, I find the batch export poor and a render queue would make the export process much easier.
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