I am following along with thisPowerDirector University tutorial ( Maliek is awesome) and have a question about a text quirk. I am using the same font and settings that Maliek uses, but I notice that on my work, the text appears a little different. In the screen cap from the tut, you can see that the bordered letters overlap each other, but the border remains intact on the 'top' letter. On my machine, the border disappears where the letters overlap as if it were outlining the word instead. Kerning makes no difference. On the third line of my example, I spaced the letters, so you can see that the letters are indeed outlined individually. Thoughts?
Exactly which version of PDR are you using?
On my PDR365 Business 21.1.2401 the title behaves as shown in Maliek's tutorial.
However, on my PDR365 21.4.2812 the title behaves as you have indicated.
No idea what has changed or why, others may confirm your findings and PDR21 users on an older version may perhaps also confirm the original behaviour?
I suggest you raise a support ticket, refer to this topic and see what the official position currently is.
PowerDirector Moderator
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