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Collapse all the Title fields at once
LNS540X [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Dec 03, 2015 13:49 Messages: 1 Offline
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Is there any hot key that will collapse all the Title Designer fields when trying to edit over lapping titles. It would be nice if all were closed on initiation and opened as needed. I have to individually close all to be able to edit as needed.
Senior Contributor Location: California, USA Joined: Sep 16, 2011 16:04 Messages: 8630 Offline
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I think having the option to start with the all expanded or collapsed is a good idea, but I don't think it's currently possible. You'd obviously like all of the Advanced titles properties controls to open up in the green position instead of the yellow (which is the current situation):

For reference, the available hotkeys are shown by clicking on Designer in the Customize Keyboard Hotkeys menu:

You can use File | Rate Us & Provide Suggestions to submit your request directly to Cyberlink and maybe they'll change the default or add a user-controlled option in Preferences in a future release.
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