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Video mirrored when posting but the original looks correct?
gravekat.rides [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Feb 02, 2023 19:00 Messages: 3 Offline
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When I watch the GoPro video on my laptop, the video is correct (i.e. light on my handlebar is on the left side, ocean on the left side, etc). I then saved for the "Android version". But when I copied the video over to my phone (S9) to post to instagram (click and drag from laptop to phone), the video is mirrored (ocean now on the right, light on the right). I don't know what I did differently as I looked at my other videos and they seem to be "correct".

This is the link to the mirrored version (mirrored after saving in the correctly):

This is a link to a different video I did on another day that is not mirrored:
Senior Contributor Location: California, USA Joined: Sep 16, 2011 16:04 Messages: 8630 Offline
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You've left out a few important details, like what kinds of edits you made with PowerDirector and whether the produced file is mirrored or not before you copied it to your phone.

If the produced file is mirrored when viewing in a Windows media app, is the video also mirrored when you watch it in PD's preview window?
gravekat.rides [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Feb 02, 2023 19:00 Messages: 3 Offline
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Quote You've left out a few important details, like what kinds of edits you made with PowerDirector and whether the produced file is mirrored or not before you copied it to your phone.

If the produced file is mirrored when viewing in a Windows media app, is the video also mirrored when you watch it in PD's preview window?

The types of edits I have been doing are cutting the videos (making shorter), merging the shortened videos, and also speeding up the videos to make the video fit in the 90 second timeframe of Instragram (also saving it as a 9:16 ratio).

The produced file is not mirrored when watching on PD viewer on my laptop nor is the produced video mirrored when watching on my laptop by Microsoft's Photo/Video program.
Senior Contributor Location: California, USA Joined: Sep 16, 2011 16:04 Messages: 8630 Offline
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Sounds like an issue with Instagram, then. Instead of producing to an Android device profile, use the Standard 2D tab and click on the Profile Anaylzer and choose the Best Matched Format.

Double check that it meets the Instagram specs shown here then try uploading the new clip.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Feb 06. 2023 23:28

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