My camcorder is set in SP mode, which I believe from what I can tell is the best quality setting. I had the video recorded in 4:3 aspect ratio.
My computer is just using the motherboard's graphic new computer which should be done soon will have a Radeon 4890 in it.
Encoding used a mode called DVD HQ (high quality). When I outputted the video, I did MPEG 2, DVD HQ quality....although there were options for 720 and 1080i output...however I didn't figure I should choose this since the original video wasn't recorded in high def.
I should note I just watched the DVD on my CRT television, and the picture is quite good....but watching on my LCD computer monitor is noticeably more pixalized looking. Should I just assume this is either a problem with viewing it on an LCD monitor, or the fact I don't have a good dedicated graphics card, or a combination of both?