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Help going from Trial to Retail
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I'm new to video editing and PD8 and having fun. I've been using the free trial and have ordered the Retail PD8 Ultra version (on it's way via the mail). From what I have been able to gather from the forums, I will need to completely UNISTALL PD8 Trial and then reinstall the retail version using my CD and the key that comes with it. I have been using the trial and making movies/projects which I will want to continue to work on with the new installation. What do I need to do to transfer it all? Also, where does PD8 keep all it's working files and folders? Can someone help? Still Learning PD and the world of HD video and digicams...and photo organizing and editing!
i870, 8gb, ti560, Win7, 64bit OS
Senior Contributor Location: USA Joined: Aug 17, 2007 02:26 Messages: 1667 Offline
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Hi RC.

The destination (or output) folders for your works in progress, is determined by you.
Click on... the Director’s Chair (icon) > Edit > Preferences.
In the Default Locations field, you can designate a desired Export Folder for your various projects.
(remember to not change file names, or move files to another folder, during project construction).

Once you have installed your new full version of PD8, you should be able to re-open your various projects, by double clicking on last saved .pds file, for any particular project you currently have in progress.

This message was edited 5 times. Last update was at Apr 30. 2010 19:23

Click here PDtoots for a collection of PowerDirector Tutorials and Tips
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Cranston, thanks for the quick reply. So all I need are the saved .pds files? There aren't any working files or anything that will be needed to open those .pds files on a new install? I also downloaded some menus from director zone. Will I need to redownload those or are they stored somewhere.

Sorry to have so many questions but I spent hours working on those movies and would be miserable if I had to try to recreate it. Still Learning PD and the world of HD video and digicams...and photo organizing and editing!
i870, 8gb, ti560, Win7, 64bit OS
Senior Contributor Location: USA Joined: Aug 17, 2007 02:26 Messages: 1667 Offline
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Hi again RC,

In your current situation, I think you have 3 options, until you get your full version installed and up and running.
1) – Leave “everything” (files, and all assets ) undisturbed, where everything currently is, without accidently re-naming or moving anything, until your full version of PD8 is “good to go”. Then pick up from where you left off, from your last saved .pds file.
2) – Open your current project(s), before installing the full version, and go to…
Director’s chair > File > Export > Pack Project Materials.
This will save (to a folder you designate and create), all the assets and editing commands you currently have in your timelines. However, it will not save any of the assets in your library, that you have not placed in the timelines yet.
(For more info and details on “Packing Projects”, use the forum Search tool and look up… Pack Project Materials)
3) - Do both 1 & 2.

For future projects, I would suggest you adopt the same workflow that I and many members here use.

Before I start a new project, I create a “working folder” in My Documents and name it Project X.
I now place “copies” of all the assets (video clips, images, audio files, etc), “that I plan to use”, in my Project X production.
Then I open PD8 from my desktop icon, and the very first thing I do is to go to Preferences and set the Export Folder to the “Project X” working folder I created.
Then I import all the files from the Project X working folder, to PD8’s library, and start dragging and dropping clips into the timelines, and start editing and building my production.
If during the course of building this project, I think of a new file I’d like to add to my project here, I minimize PD8, and then locate that file on my computer, and send a copy of it to my Project X working folder. Then I import that “copy” to PD8, from the working folder. I always place and keep everything in the working folder, and “only” import to PD8 from the working folder.

As I build a project, I make frequent .pds saves, using “save as”. I do not use “save”, and stack all my saves on top of each other in just one single .pds file. Because if something goes wrong with that one .pds file, you could lose your entire project.
I use “save as” and make a series of consecutively numbered .pds saves as my project progresses. That way if a .pds file does go bad, I can always go to the previously saved .pds, and resume my project from that point, as opposed to having to start all over from scratch.
And all these .pds saves (as I have set the “Project X” working folder, as my export folder) also go to my Project X working folder.
So now I know that “everything” is in one working folder, making it easy for me “and” PD8 to find. And PD8 will not have to roam and browse all over my computer and aux drives to look for the assets that are scattered all over my system, everytime I re-open a project. Everything is right there rubbing shoulders in one working folder.

When my production is complete and Produced to file, or burned to DVD, I then use the File > Export > Pack Project Materials, to archive my project.
Once archived, as a “Packed Project”, I can now clean up after myself, by simply deleting the Project X working folder with one mouse click, as it only contains working copies. All my original files have remained, through it all, untouched and stored in their original appropriate folders across my computer and aux drives.

As far as the menus and templates you have downloaded. Be sure you always save them to a folder you’ve created and perhaps named… DZ Templates, or whatever. You will most likely need to re-install those templates and menus, after your trial version has been replaced by your new full version.

This message was edited 8 times. Last update was at May 01. 2010 18:42

Click here PDtoots for a collection of PowerDirector Tutorials and Tips
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Hi Cranston, thanks alot. Your replies are very helpful and detailed. I really appreciate it. I will do exactly as you said and also organize my future projects as you do!! Still Learning PD and the world of HD video and digicams...and photo organizing and editing!
i870, 8gb, ti560, Win7, 64bit OS
JoRene [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Jan 28, 2007 20:32 Messages: 11 Offline
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When I received my full copy of Power Director via mail, I decided to see if the code that came with it would upgrade my trial version to the full version...and surprisingly, it did. But...there are assets (templates, etc) included in the full version that were not included in the trial. Is there some way to get those installed without doing a complete reinstall? Where are the templates stored? I have Power Director installed on a laptop and a desktop (where I installed the full copy when I received it.) Could I copy the templates from that install to the laptop install where some of the templates are missing? Or is there a way to download the missing content and just install it?
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