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PDR 15 won't open
boongsong [Avatar]
Contributor Location: Arvin, CA Joined: May 18, 2010 14:48 Messages: 482 Offline
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I will try and make this as understandable as I can. If not, please let me know.
I'm having issues with PD 15 opening and running. Here's some background.
I have PD 16 on my computer and have been using it to produce videos. But, I discovered that one function apparently has been eliminated in PD 16. That function is the ability to select a pont in the video to click on the audio (in the video and music edit lines) to be able to lower/raise the audio. In PD 15 that function allowed me to place my cursor on a specific point, click on it and I'd get a small red dot and I could click on that dot and raise or lower the audio. In PD 16, that is missing. If I click on a specific point on the audio, all I get is a small up/down arrow. If I click on it, all it does is raise/lower the audio for the entire track.
So, to get that function back, I decided to reinstall PD 15, using the disc provided by Cyberlink when I purchsed PD 15. Here's the problem that has me frustrated to the Nth degree.
After installling and registering PD 15, when I click on the PD 15 icon on my desktop, it will open with the sample clips in the library. Then, everything freezes. After about 5-10 seconds I get the error message PDR.exe stopped working (see atch). Regardless of whether or not I choose to send a report, PD15 closes.
I've tried uninstalling PD 16 then installing PD 15. Same thing happens - PD 15 freezes then the Error report window opens.
I've run a compatibility check for PD 15 and selected Windows Server 2008 (service pack 1) then opened PD 15. One time PD 15 opened but when I try to do anything (sign-in to my acct or add files), it freezes and Error report again.
Does anyone have any idea why this happens and what I can do to get PD 15 to work? I'm including my dxdiag.
49 Kbytes
280 time(s)
[Thumb - pd 15.PNG]
pd 15.PNG
PD 15 error
15 Kbytes
3 time(s)
PD 14.0.2302.0 HP h8-1280t, Intel Core i7-3820, CPU 3.60Hzm 64-bit, 10GB mem, 1 TB hard drive
JL_JL [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Location: Arizona, USA Joined: Oct 01, 2006 20:01 Messages: 6091 Offline
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Quote But, I discovered that one function apparently has been eliminated in PD 16. That function is the ability to select a pont in the video to click on the audio (in the video and music edit lines) to be able to lower/raise the audio. In PD 15 that function allowed me to place my cursor on a specific point, click on it and I'd get a small red dot and I could click on that dot and raise or lower the audio. In PD 16, that is missing.

It's simply been changed to a "Ctrl" and mouse click on the audio volume in the timeline. This then gives you the dot and the opportunity to change the volume.

boongsong [Avatar]
Contributor Location: Arvin, CA Joined: May 18, 2010 14:48 Messages: 482 Offline
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It's simply been changed to a "Ctrl" and mouse click on the audio volume in the timeline. This then gives you the dot and the opportunity to change the volume.


Wow! Didn't know that. Will try it. Thanks very much for such a speedy reply.
Still curious why PD 15 wouldn't open. But, onward and upward. Got PD 16 and will press-on with it.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Sep 02. 2018 10:11

PD 14.0.2302.0 HP h8-1280t, Intel Core i7-3820, CPU 3.60Hzm 64-bit, 10GB mem, 1 TB hard drive
JL_JL [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Location: Arizona, USA Joined: Oct 01, 2006 20:01 Messages: 6091 Offline
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To adjust latter, you always need to use the "Ctrl" key for the red dot to activate. Just hold the "Ctrl" key and hoover the mouse over the then white volumn control point, it will turn red, and you will be able to drag it around like before.

boongsong [Avatar]
Contributor Location: Arvin, CA Joined: May 18, 2010 14:48 Messages: 482 Offline
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Quote To adjust latter, you always need to use the "Ctrl" key for the red dot to activate. Just hold the "Ctrl" key and hoover the mouse over the then white volumn control point, it will turn red, and you will be able to drag it around like before.


Thanks Jeff. I have one more related? question.
Once I make all my audio edits, if I Right Click the track and "Normalize" the track, will that erase my edits or just normalize them?
Sorry to make so many posts.
Thanks and have a good day. Jack
PD 14.0.2302.0 HP h8-1280t, Intel Core i7-3820, CPU 3.60Hzm 64-bit, 10GB mem, 1 TB hard drive
JL_JL [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Location: Arizona, USA Joined: Oct 01, 2006 20:01 Messages: 6091 Offline
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It will erase the edits. Normalize multiple clips first, then adjust unique audio spots.

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