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Timeline position and play out of sync
LuisPS [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Jun 10, 2015 00:50 Messages: 6 Offline
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Hi Experts,

I am using PD 13 (64 bits) for a relatively simple project. It involves 3 TOD High Definition video files extracted from a JVC GZ-HD3 camera. They make for about 40 min in total (3.5, 3.5 and 1.0 GBytes)

I get all sort of problems when adding them to the timeline and doing some simple editing:

To start with, one of the files in the timeline no longer shows in the Library (it used to be there!)

The audio won't play in the preview window when starting from the beginning of the movie (taking the cursor there or hitting Stop in the preview controls). Moving the cursor in the timeline a little back or forth will make the sound work, but not if I take it all the way to the beginning.

I removed a 3 sec scence in the middle clip (by using Split twice plus Remove). The preview stops at the clipping point. After a few secconds with no signs of life, the cursos goes to the end of the movie (and stays there), the image is still frozen at the clipping point and the audio continues cheerfully from the clipping point. So, image, timeline position and audio are completely out of whack.

Taking the cursor to a position previous to the clipping point will work, but stops again at the clipping point.

Moving it to after the clipping point resumes the play with no problem, but the sound waveform after the clipping point doesn't match the audio being performed.

I tried with our without shadow files, reloading the original video file and starting all over, starting the project from scratch and the behavior is the same.

I thought it may be only a preview problem so I exported the movie to an mpg file. The files play ok, even through the problematic clipping point, but the image freezes at some point in the last clip and stays there while the audio continues to the end of the movie.

Honestly, hard for me not to think this is one the buggiest pieces of software I ever paid for.

Any clues?

Thanks in advance! Luis

PowerDirector 15 (64 bits)
Windows 7 Home Premium SP1
Intel i5-2540M @ 2.60GHz

Dafydd B [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Aug 26, 2006 08:20 Messages: 11973 Offline
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Hi LuisPS,
Thanks for all the info on your actions but there is more data we need. Initially it appears to me you have a low powered computer struggling with the task of editing HD files - basically your PC's number crunching abilities are running on empty.
Part A, B, E, F and J info please, Guide:
1. Version
3.Screenshot of the Edit Workspace with your project insitu.
4. MediaInfo of the video you're editing.

Edit: I just spotted your signature. Your Ram is insufficient for 64bit OS editing. Your computer doesn't meet the bare minimum spec to use PowerDirector 13.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Jun 10. 2015 02:41

Senior Contributor Location: California, USA Joined: Sep 16, 2011 16:04 Messages: 8630 Offline
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EDIT: Sorry Dafydd! you beat me to the responseembarassed

Hi LuisPS

Sorry to hear that you're having trouble, and based on the limited specs you provide it looks like your computer is really not powerful enough for HD editing.

Here's a *chart* showing the relative power of your Pentium G630 compared to current CPUs. Also, 4GB of RAM is the bare minimum for a Win7 computer, and you'd be much better off with at least 8GB - but to be honest - it would be better to buy something newer and far more powerful rather than spending about the same amount trying to upgrade your current.

If you can't get a new computer now, the best thing you can do is to turn on Shadow Files (Gear icon|General|Enable HD video processing (shadow file) and give your computer time to create the new files. Be aware that it may take an hour or longer to create the shadow files with your hardware, and it's best to let that job finish before closing PD or trying to edit. I'm pretty sure that if you had the same problem with the shadow files turned on or off that you didn't allow enough time for the files to be created.

Basically, shadow files are low-resolution versions of HD clips that let PD work much faster when you're editing. The full versions of the clips are used when you produce, so this step only affects the editing and the sympotoms you're describing are exactly what happens when the hardware can't keep up when trying to process/preview the video.

Try Shadow files again and let PD sit. There should be a green progress marker on the clips that tell you when the processing is finnished for each clip. You could also wait for the HDD light to quiet down which would probably indicate that the hard work is finished.

Let us know how it goes!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Jun 10. 2015 02:54


DS365 | Win11 Pro | Ryzen 9 3950X | RTX 4070 Ti | 32GB RAM | 10TB SSDs | 5K+4K HDR monitors

Canon Vixia GX10 (4K 60p) | HF G30 (HD 60p) | Yi Action+ 4K | 360Fly 4K 360°
Dafydd B [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Aug 26, 2006 08:20 Messages: 11973 Offline
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optodata - great answer that both confirms and adds to the thread. A pleasure to read.

LuisPS [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Jun 10, 2015 00:50 Messages: 6 Offline
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Thanks to both for your reply.

I will try leaving enough time for the shadow files to be created. Do I need to replace the clips in the time line by their shadow counterparts?

I want to try also on a more powerfull computer. Is it possible to have PD installed in two different computers with the same registration info or do I have to un register it from the first computer. If so, how do I do it?

Thanks and Regards

Luis Luis

PowerDirector 15 (64 bits)
Windows 7 Home Premium SP1
Intel i5-2540M @ 2.60GHz

Senior Contributor Location: California, USA Joined: Sep 16, 2011 16:04 Messages: 8630 Offline
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PD will automatically take care of everything regarding shadow files, so there's nothing to worry about once the shadow files are created.

I'm not sure whether PD checks in online when the license key is entered or if it's done locally within the program, but to be safe you should uninstall it from your current system first.

If you have any purchased effects from NewBlue FX (beyond the ones that are installed with PD13), those do need to be separately unregistered before you uninstall them or they can't be used on another machine.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Jun 10. 2015 11:34


DS365 | Win11 Pro | Ryzen 9 3950X | RTX 4070 Ti | 32GB RAM | 10TB SSDs | 5K+4K HDR monitors

Canon Vixia GX10 (4K 60p) | HF G30 (HD 60p) | Yi Action+ 4K | 360Fly 4K 360°
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