I am using PD 13 (64 bits) for a relatively simple project. It involves 3 TOD High Definition video files extracted from a JVC GZ-HD3 camera. They make for about 40 min in total (3.5, 3.5 and 1.0 GBytes)
I get all sort of problems when adding them to the timeline and doing some simple editing:
To start with, one of the files in the timeline no longer shows in the Library (it used to be there!)
The audio won't play in the preview window when starting from the beginning of the movie (taking the cursor there or hitting Stop in the preview controls). Moving the cursor in the timeline a little back or forth will make the sound work, but not if I take it all the way to the beginning.
I removed a 3 sec scence in the middle clip (by using Split twice plus Remove). The preview stops at the clipping point. After a few secconds with no signs of life, the cursos goes to the end of the movie (and stays there), the image is still frozen at the clipping point and the audio continues cheerfully from the clipping point. So, image, timeline position and audio are completely out of whack.
Taking the cursor to a position previous to the clipping point will work, but stops again at the clipping point.
Moving it to after the clipping point resumes the play with no problem, but the sound waveform after the clipping point doesn't match the audio being performed.
I tried with our without shadow files, reloading the original video file and starting all over, starting the project from scratch and the behavior is the same.
I thought it may be only a preview problem so I exported the movie to an mpg file. The files play ok, even through the problematic clipping point, but the image freezes at some point in the last clip and stays there while the audio continues to the end of the movie.
Honestly, hard for me not to think this is one the buggiest pieces of software I ever paid for.
Any clues?
Thanks in advance! Luis
PowerDirector 15 (64 bits)
Windows 7 Home Premium SP1
Intel i5-2540M @ 2.60GHz