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Code 80040256
PeterV [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Sep 20, 2011 12:29 Messages: 1 Offline
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Can anyone help me please

I can play CD and DVD but not Blue ray . I get the internal error code 80040256.

I do have a Blue ray player in my HP Lap Top running Windows 7 64bit


CyberLink-Michael [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Location: Europe Joined: Apr 18, 2007 04:05 Messages: 7418 Offline
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please contact the customer support team

Michael Technical Support

Werde Facebook Fan
bionciman [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Jul 15, 2010 11:08 Messages: 4 Offline
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See Following Link:
kelley [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Oct 19, 2012 18:48 Messages: 1 Offline
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i've went thru all the options across several of these posts and it appears that the best option i have is to delete your product and go with someone else. you clearly have no clue how to support your own product and to do such an injustice to the disk drives your crap product is bundled with...
alvincht [Avatar]
Member Joined: Sep 20, 2012 11:52 Messages: 58 Offline
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Not really, give customer support a chance and see how it works for you first.
Senior Contributor Location: Houston, Texas USA Joined: Jan 25, 2011 12:18 Messages: 4663 Offline
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Quote: i've went thru all the options across several of these posts and it appears that the best option i have is to delete your product and go with someone else. you clearly have no clue how to support your own product and to do such an injustice to the disk drives your crap product is bundled with...

Not "our" product. We are not technical support; we are users with a little more experience. I have used almost every video editing and player program out there and this is the best. In my opinion at least.

Contact support. .
BoilerPlate: To posters who ask for help -- it is nice to thank the volunteers who try to answer your questions !
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drewwerd [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Nov 13, 2012 19:00 Messages: 1 Offline
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The customer support is a joke. I have been working on this same issue for over a month. They have given me update after update and I still get the same 80040256 error message.
AlanMintaka [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Nov 29, 2008 15:39 Messages: 15 Offline
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I have been through the same runaround with Cyberlink Tech Support RE "Internal Error 800401F9", as well as the forum link given in one of your responses. FWIW, tech support never gave me the advice that the other thread suggests "tech support will have you do tbe following....". They told me to download the "CLcleaner" programs to uninstall all traces of earlier versions of PowerDVD, then told me to reinstall everything using password-protected installation program download links. The passwords they gave me didn't work. Finally they just removed password protection on the downloads and I was able to download and install them.

After all that, I still got the "Internal Error" message. Different error code number than yours, but same result - I can't play any Blu-Rays with PowerDVD 10.

Ultimately, the "fix" is to pay for an update from PowerDVD 10 to PowerDVD 12.

drewwerd, if you find decent media player software that can play Blu-Rays, please post your findings here. I'm looking too, because Cyberlink is clearly not the solution.

PS: the forum guys had a point with disavowing Cyberlink as "their" software. This really is a user forum, and the poor quality of Cyberlink software is not the fault of the forum moderators or supporters.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at Dec 13. 2012 00:53

Senior Contributor Location: Houston, Texas USA Joined: Jan 25, 2011 12:18 Messages: 4663 Offline
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I did a little more looking and two common themes are Windows Media Player and audio card.

Did you check to make sure that your laptop met all the requirements? Did you run the blu-ray/3D adviser? What did that say?

Please post the results of the dxdiag evaluation of the laptop. Part B here:

Make sure you have the latest version of Windows Media Player and Quicktime on your computer.

BoilerPlate: To posters who ask for help -- it is nice to thank the volunteers who try to answer your questions !
Anything I post unless stated with a reference is my personal opinion.
Læirbag [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Oct 25, 2013 17:50 Messages: 1 Offline
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Hi I Also had that error And I found I deactivated a product software licensing service or something like that related to the installation of Cyberlink PowerD.V.D.. I always deactivate useless and unknown stuff and now I know The "purpose and usefulness" of that thing. Hope you find this info usefull...
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