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PD9 keeps on crashing
Dinna [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Jul 09, 2011 00:34 Messages: 1 Offline
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Hello, I will appreciate any help you can give. PD9 keeps on crashing, regardless of what I'm doing -- adding music, editing titles, dragging pictures, etc. Sometimes it is not even 5 minutes then it crashes, sometimes I've been using it for an hour before it does. There is no particular task that I can identify where it happens, it just happens randomly. The only instance that I know it will crash is when I try to detect scenes. So far, I haven't had any luck being able to use that feature because as soon as I click on detect scenes, PD9 stops working. I have attached the DXDIAG for both 32-bit and 64-bit your reference. I also have PD9 build 2930 installed. Any help will be much appreciated. Thanks.
Dinna DxDiag-32bit
39 Kbytes
296 time(s)
Dinna DxDiag-64bit
37 Kbytes
304 time(s)
Dafydd B [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Aug 26, 2006 08:20 Messages: 11973 Offline
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Hi Dinna,
I tend to list my observations and instructions - a habit of mine.
1. you have a powerful enough PC and GPU.
2. GPU driver should be checked to see if is the latest. Please go to the ATI site and do that manually and not rely on W7.
3. Ram - more than enough
4. HDD, C Drive, plenty of spare space
5. Between E and H - I see no reference, I presume they're USB memory device/card reader for example.
6. Drive "I" does concern me - I have two of these devices and they are prone to go to sleep and I have had one fail causing PD9 to crash.
Please install a software called NoSleepHD v2.0 It will ensure a USB device stays awake and is fully accessible. It's a free program - sorry, no support for it is given here. I use it and it works for me. I set mine to "ping" the My Book and other USB HDD every 2 minutes.

I'm presuming you are drawing on the My Book for media data. My system crashed a lot when My Book was failing on my system.

If the problem persists you should go the uninstall-reinstall route of PD9 and see if that resolves the issue. Please check out:

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Jul 20. 2011 06:37

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Not a solution...just an observation:

There are at least 3 recent post threads discussing different issues with PD9 and the Dell "XPS 8xxx" platform. I do not see a reason for this in any of the posted DXDIAG files, I said...just an observation.
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