That’s the end of my success story. The next 3 DVDs imported partially, with the error message indicating possible corrupted files as well as a number of other possibilities. Exiting the error window allowed continuation of video importing. The result was an incomplete file transfer, meaning, of course, not all of my video was imported.
I had hopes that my video editing problems would be limited to the editing learning curve. But I can no longer get to the editing stage. On another post here a senior responder suggested using the capture mode to bring in the video directly to an Mpeg4 or other common video format first, then using that format to edit. That didn’t work either. First, the capture mode did not offer a DVD drive selection. As an experiment, I selected the AVDVD choice and the video actually arrived complete. The Play function worked, but the record function did not.
All of my home videos were taken in the pre-digital era with a Sony Hi8 analog Handicam. Later, the videos were copied to VHS tapes via a VCR. Recently, I copied the tapes to DVDs using my home theater DVD recorder. The DVDs play good, but I want to edit them to get rid of unwanted frames and add title pages.
Just in case there’s a smoking gun re my pc equipment, here’s the details:
Dell XPS 8300; Windows 7 64-bit Home Premium; ATI Radeon HD 5770 1024 MB GDDR5; Intel Core i7-2600 3.4Ghz with 8MB cache; 8GB DDR3 SDRAM @ 1333MHz-4X2GB; 1TB hard drive(700GB free space); & a Blu-ray 8X BD-R/DVD+/-RW Drive with DVD+R double layer write capability.
Any help/advice will be greatly appreciated. I am holding off purchasing the full program until I know I can make use of the software.
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