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New AMD/ATI Catalyst Video Card Drivers version 11.3 Available Now
Contributor Location: Michigan USA Joined: Jan 02, 2009 12:58 Messages: 511 Offline
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Latest version 11.3 ATI drivers can be downloaded here: Win8 64-bit Pro Retail
Intel i7-4770
16GB DDR3 1600 8-8-8-24
MSI Z87-G45 Motherboard
1 TB RAID 1 (mirrored) Drive Array
Several scratch drives for video, TMP, pagefile.
AllenChicago [Avatar]
Senior Member Location: Chicago (USA) Joined: Jan 28, 2010 22:06 Messages: 151 Offline
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For the heck of it, I did the usual pre-upgrade uninstall of the 11.2 Catalyst Software Suite last night, but didn't install the updated 11.3 Suite.

I converted a few ACVHD vids to MPEG-2 and burned a couple of DVD's with no Catalyst/AVIVO/etc.. on the computer. Amazingly, it made NO DIFFERENCE WHATSOEVER. Each task was processed by PD9 just as quickly as before. In fact, the resulting MPEG-2 video and burned DVD were a tad sharper than before.

I'll probably just download the updated video driver for this ATI 4350HD card and forgo the other Catalyst components all-together.

Has anyone in this forum noticed improvements to PD9 performance as a result of any of the ATI Catalyst components? Perhaps the Catalyst/Southbridge/Avivo/OpenGL/OpenCL technology is primarily for the Video Game Enthusiasts that AMD-ATI seems to be so heavily targeted for.

-Allen in Chicago
HP Pavilion e9220y
Win7 64bit
8gb Ram / 2.6mhz
Dilbert36 [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Feb 03, 2011 14:18 Messages: 12 Offline
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I upgraded to new ATI Catalyst drivers 11.3 and STILL cant get the hardware acceleration in produce preferences to be available (checkable)...even though I have hardware acceleration checked in the main preferences. Anyone know how to fix? I have ATI Radeon HD 3650...idling at 2%, WIN 7 x64. Thx
DxDiag file
49 Kbytes
370 time(s)
AllenChicago [Avatar]
Senior Member Location: Chicago (USA) Joined: Jan 28, 2010 22:06 Messages: 151 Offline
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Dilbert, be careful what you wish for. I have an ATI 4350HD card. While I can checkmark the "Hardware Transcoding" box you're referring to, doing so causes a degredation of produced videos. They have more "noise" (I guess is the word).. little fine vertical lines permeate the entire production. When I de-select Hardware Acceleration, the next video produced is crystal clear. Since my 4350HD is a little more powerful than your 3650HD, I humbly suggest that you not be concerned about the Hardware-Assisted Transcoding until your next computer. Make sense?
Dilbert36 [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Feb 03, 2011 14:18 Messages: 12 Offline
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yup agreed...just trying to squeeze out as much as possible from my existing pc...until I can afford a new more powerful one. thanks!
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