I have a Canon HD Video camera and have installed an internal Blu-Ray burner. It seems like I have everything I need to download edit and burn HD Blu-Ray. Well I have been able to complete the download and even editing process. But when I go into the "Burn" option. The program starts quickly getting to about 24% complete then everything stops. The first time I waited for 3 hours then aborted the process. That's when I sent my first question to tech support. On day two when I had not heard back from Tech support I decided to try again, maybe I just was unfamiliar with the process and didn't wait long enough. So I did it again, this time same thing, got to 24% complete and then I left it overnight. When I got up, same status after 10 hours! Second message to Tech support. Finally tonight I got a response, which told my to update my video and audio drivers? What does that have to do with the burning process? Their response was worthless. Does anyone in this forum have any suggestions? I downloaded PowerDirector 9 Ultra 64 and ordered the backup disk and now feel like this has been a waste of money and time. Anyone that can help would be appreciated. The program format is really not bad, I have had a few times when it stops responding but have found that this is not always the case if you don't overload it. I figure my video being HD and a high resolution type most likely it takes the system a little longer to process. However it is still worthless if I can't finish the process. Any help would be nice. Thanks. edmondb