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Burn to Blu-Ray won't complete
edmondb01 [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Mar 02, 2011 22:48 Messages: 13 Offline
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I have had many of the issues mentioned on this forum including finding out that Cyberlink Tech support is worthless. I an running Win 7 on a Dell that's about one year old. It is the Studio XPS 8000, Intel Core i5-750 Processor/8MB.
I have a Canon HD Video camera and have installed an internal Blu-Ray burner. It seems like I have everything I need to download edit and burn HD Blu-Ray. Well I have been able to complete the download and even editing process. But when I go into the "Burn" option. The program starts quickly getting to about 24% complete then everything stops. The first time I waited for 3 hours then aborted the process. That's when I sent my first question to tech support. On day two when I had not heard back from Tech support I decided to try again, maybe I just was unfamiliar with the process and didn't wait long enough. So I did it again, this time same thing, got to 24% complete and then I left it overnight. When I got up, same status after 10 hours! Second message to Tech support. Finally tonight I got a response, which told my to update my video and audio drivers? What does that have to do with the burning process? Their response was worthless. Does anyone in this forum have any suggestions? I downloaded PowerDirector 9 Ultra 64 and ordered the backup disk and now feel like this has been a waste of money and time. Anyone that can help would be appreciated. The program format is really not bad, I have had a few times when it stops responding but have found that this is not always the case if you don't overload it. I figure my video being HD and a high resolution type most likely it takes the system a little longer to process. However it is still worthless if I can't finish the process. Any help would be nice. Thanks. edmondb
James Dotson
Senior Contributor Location: Tennessee Joined: Aug 24, 2009 20:40 Messages: 3066 Offline
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Finally tonight I got a response, which told my to update my video and audio drivers? What does that have to do with the burning process? Their response was worthless.

Did you try it? __________________________________
edmondb01 [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Mar 02, 2011 22:48 Messages: 13 Offline
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Yes, both my video and audio drivers are up to date. I have heard back from Tech support again giving me the same answer. However they now want a txt file which I will get to them tomorrow when I can. Thanks for your input, but I'm still in a holding pattern after almost a week. edmondb
All vodi
Senior Contributor Location: Canada Joined: Aug 21, 2009 11:24 Messages: 1431 Offline
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This is just for your info : Approx. 24% of burning time is usually related to the part of the project that PD9 uses to actually assemble the video. After that point the actual rendering and burning phase begins.

We'll need the usual amount of technical info from you as outlined on the first page of this forum (item #2) before any meaningful help can be offered. Your PC has ample power. So the problem is elsewhere. Win 10, i7
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The file that tech support (and the editors here) require is a DXDIAG file for your machine. Here is the process for creating it:

1. Click the Start Button
2.In "Search Programs and files" box type, DXDIAG and press <ENTER> , then pause, to let it collect information.
3. In the bottom of the window that opens click the <Save All Information> button and save the file to your desktop.
4. Return here and at the bottom of the thread/POST, click <Post Reply>
5. Click the <attachments> button at the bottom of the screen that opens and attach the DXDIAG.TXT file you saved to the desktop.
6. Submit the reply!
We need this file to proceed to a solution.

Additionally, inside PD9, click on the word Powerdirector (upper right) and provide the BUILD (for example I am running

Please, help in resolving your problem by creating and attaching the file.

BTW..and for the record...PD9 is a Video Editing program... all aspects (burning, producing, previewing, saving....EVERYTHING) uses the video resources. Said another way, EVERYTHING has to do with the video card and system resources.

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at Mar 04. 2011 16:40

edmondb01 [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Mar 02, 2011 22:48 Messages: 13 Offline
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Thank you for your help. I am using PD9
I have attached the txt file.
43 Kbytes
420 time(s)
edmondb01 [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Mar 02, 2011 22:48 Messages: 13 Offline
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I assume item #2 of the first page is the DxDiag.txt file that I have posted. If there is more please let me know.
Thanks again for your help. I have not used the Save to File option with PD9, just the Burn option. If I save to file, then use a drag and drop method to the Blu-Ray drive, do you think that will work, and if so do you think I will lose any of the HD quality?
43 Kbytes
325 time(s)
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Tech Support was correct. You need to update both the sound and video drivers.

Your video card is at the low-end of having drivers that are coming up on 2 years old is an issue. I had an old post that linked to the ATI site for new drivers, but I have lost it in the forum. Other editors here have more to do with ATI and I hope they "chime in" here.

Also, your sound drivers are equally old. Both of these WILL effect successful operation (including BURNING) so please update them.

Also, be aware that there are reports that the LG BH10LS30 has trouble in Windows 7...not sure what LG tech support has done about that. Visit the LG site and see if any new firmware is available.

Once you have applied the back so we can see if you are working...OK?
edmondb01 [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Mar 02, 2011 22:48 Messages: 13 Offline
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I have gone to ATI website and ended up at AMD Radeon Video Card Drivers page. I really have no idea which driver I should be downloading and installing. There are new drivers there dated as recent as 2/15/2011 named "Catalyst Software Suite" version 11.2 there actually 3 similiarly named drivers. I don't know if this is what I am looking for and if so which to download. Any thoughts? Next I will try to find to audio driver. edmondb
edmondb01 [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Mar 02, 2011 22:48 Messages: 13 Offline
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I am totally lost here. I went to the Realtek website hoping to be able to update the audio driver. I don't want to sound like an idiot, but I can't find where to do this. I have looked at the txt file and believe that the Driver name that I have is: RTKVHD64.sys I entered that in Realtek search and came up with nothing. I am extremely frustrated that I have to go through so much to get PD9 to operate as it is advertised and reviewed. It's not like I've got some antique computer. Thanks for your help, but I'm close to giving up........ edmondb
All vodi
Senior Contributor Location: Canada Joined: Aug 21, 2009 11:24 Messages: 1431 Offline
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OK. Before you give up let me give you some assurances:

- Your system's configuration is fine as is.
- Updating the ATI graphics card will not make much difference : your ATI 4350 graphics card will NOT accelerate encoding. It cannot because it's not designed that way. I am using it and have no issues with it because GPU (graphics) hardware acceleration is NOT a requirement in PD9. The PC will do all the number crunching for you and quite well at that. The AMD (was ATI) web site now offers a single download as version 11.2 at :
Select the FIRST entry on the list "Catalyst Software Suite" and that will do fine.
- Your Realtek audio is also fine as is. (FYI - Dell has a download web site for clients for the drivers if needed.)
- I believe that your problem may be related to a problem in PD9 that I've listed on another thread at. Please read it :

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at Mar 06. 2011 11:39

Win 10, i7
edmondb01 [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Mar 02, 2011 22:48 Messages: 13 Offline
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Again, thanks for your help and encouragment, I won't give up. I used to use Adobe Elements with XP but decided to give PD9 a try. I like the interface, and the ease of use when editing. Transitions, music, sub-titles, all good stuff. I have had a few times when it stop responding, but have become used to saving as I go along so it really isn't a big problem.
So, I have downloaded the Video driver update that you recommended. I also read your piece on transitions. I reviewed my project and I have over 40 HD clips, all with transitions. I went one by one and removed them, then restalled using the Transition Room "Apply random transition effect to all". When I purchased PD9 I downloaded the product, but also bought the disk, which I have, don't know if that means anything but thought I'd share. I am going to try to "Burn" again. I will keep track of all options that I choose so I can let you know how it goes. Again thank you for all your help, hopefully this time it goes well. edmondb
All vodi
Senior Contributor Location: Canada Joined: Aug 21, 2009 11:24 Messages: 1431 Offline
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To save yourself some grief, try doing a small project first and go on to bigger things as you get the feel of the software. It has flaws so you have to watch out. Win 10, i7
edmondb01 [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Mar 02, 2011 22:48 Messages: 13 Offline
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I am 45mins into the Burn. Same as before. After 19mins got to 22%, still there, looks like I'm headed to the same result. How long should I let this run? What would be the timeframe for normal burning on a project of about 1hr. 20mins? I will try something smaller, but what do I do with the videos I have waiting in the cue that run longer, which this one is? edmondb
All vodi
Senior Contributor Location: Canada Joined: Aug 21, 2009 11:24 Messages: 1431 Offline
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I'm exiting from this thread. Sorry, I can't help you. Win 10, i7
edmondb01 [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Mar 02, 2011 22:48 Messages: 13 Offline
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Well thanks for your help anyway. If anyone else can help jump on please! edmondb
Dafydd B [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Aug 26, 2006 08:20 Messages: 11973 Offline
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For members to look over:
1. Please provide a screenshot of the project in Edit Workspace. Please ensure you have Chapters, subtitles and svrt tracks showing for the screenshot.
2. Please detail in numerical order and using a screenshot, what are your selections in the Create Disc workspace?
3. What's the source of the menu you're selecting?
4. Have you attempted to Burn to Folder?
5. Do an uninstall - reinstall of PD9.
6. DO NOT use/activate any other video editing software in case it clashes with PD and is causing the problem

Guide information below.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at Mar 07. 2011 07:52

edmondb01 [Avatar]
Newbie Joined: Mar 02, 2011 22:48 Messages: 13 Offline
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Thank you for jumping in here, I am beyond frustrated. Firstly I don't know how to get a screenshot of the workspace in the Edit mode.
Can you tell me if I shot on a Canon HD Video camera, and want to burn HD to playback in HD, should I Produce as MPEG-4 or .MOV or something else?
No I have not tried to burn to a folder, but will try that next. So far I have wasted about 6 BD-R Disks and you know they're not cheap.
Again thanks for any help you can give me. edmondb
Dafydd B [Avatar]
Senior Contributor Joined: Aug 26, 2006 08:20 Messages: 11973 Offline
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You need to provide the requested information before posing additional questions.
Screenshot: Please read the guide information.

Apply the latest patch


This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at Mar 08. 2011 03:36

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